I noticed that the icon for ice looks exactelly like the one for sapphire,and the one for barridin familly urn like tempered glass vial.Maybe there are some more examples...
Also,there are some very similar icons- for half eatemn mass and ecto,and ink and black dye.
It would be very nice if they could look very different from each other-that would elliminate the problem with trading scams...
the same or very simillar looking items
Laurelin Goldtree
Originally Posted by Blossom
It would be very nice if they could look very different from each other-that would elliminate the problem with trading scams...
I know that sounds mean, but I've been scammed that way and now I know to carefully read what it is I'm getting. If you're not familiar with the language, ask someone who is.
But, I see your point on the other things-250 Glittering Piles of Dust....250 Piles of Glittering Althea....
Kai Nui
well if you see it on the trade screen, then it will be translated to your language.