Whats better axe, sword, hammer
Traos Thrash
i have really nice axes sword and hammers so whats better?
Hammers are considered pretty bad. They can beat up one target, but you rarely only fight one enemy and you lose defence because you can't carry a shield. Bad choice for anything but PvP.
Swords are fast and versatile, but they can't spike very well and half their adrenal skills rely on the enemy being "fleshy". Swords are good, but you'll find yourself useless once in a while.
Axes are probably the best. They have a couple of great elites, they're as fast as swords, have better damage and can spike like mad. Axes are most likely the best, but I prefere swords, because I like them.
But weather you should choose swords or axes is up to you. But stay away from hammers.
Swords are fast and versatile, but they can't spike very well and half their adrenal skills rely on the enemy being "fleshy". Swords are good, but you'll find yourself useless once in a while.
Axes are probably the best. They have a couple of great elites, they're as fast as swords, have better damage and can spike like mad. Axes are most likely the best, but I prefere swords, because I like them.
But weather you should choose swords or axes is up to you. But stay away from hammers.
Shimus DarkRaven
I carry them all. Why? Each area might rely on different weapons. Example:
One area, I can bleed/gash with sword
Next I need knockdown with hammer
Maybe the next I need spike damage with an axe.
My full bottom bag is brimming with 2-3 of each, plus some clean ones incase I find mods.
My suggestion? Get comfortable with them all. This way you'll be versatile =)
--The Shim
One area, I can bleed/gash with sword
Next I need knockdown with hammer
Maybe the next I need spike damage with an axe.
My full bottom bag is brimming with 2-3 of each, plus some clean ones incase I find mods.
My suggestion? Get comfortable with them all. This way you'll be versatile =)
--The Shim
And as a different viewpoint, I have approximately 8 billion times more fun playing a Hammer Warrior than I did playing Sword. One of my friends takes care of Axe, so we're balanced.
Rancour gave a good list of the hammer's cons. Here are some pros:
- The best hammers, hammer mods, and hammer runes are mad cheap because nobody plays Hammer. Compare the green hammers to the green swords and axes.
- The defense loss has never been an issue in PvE for me. Even with hench monks, the "extra" damage you take is never significant.
- The plethora of Knockdown skills makes you an excellent interrupter. Combine with Stonefists for happiness.
Not as good as Axe? I'm not going to argue that, because I'm pretty sure it's been proven 6 ways from Sunday that Axe is #1.
Want to play Hammer in PvE? You'll be fine. I know from experience.
Rancour gave a good list of the hammer's cons. Here are some pros:
- The best hammers, hammer mods, and hammer runes are mad cheap because nobody plays Hammer. Compare the green hammers to the green swords and axes.
- The defense loss has never been an issue in PvE for me. Even with hench monks, the "extra" damage you take is never significant.
- The plethora of Knockdown skills makes you an excellent interrupter. Combine with Stonefists for happiness.
Not as good as Axe? I'm not going to argue that, because I'm pretty sure it's been proven 6 ways from Sunday that Axe is #1.
Want to play Hammer in PvE? You'll be fine. I know from experience.
Retribution X
Raptox is right. i've played all the builds for war, hammer is for MASSIVE dmg spikes/KD, axe for fast spikes, and swords rock for degen...
Pagan Greyfeather
I play all 3 depending on where I am. IF someone else is running an axe, I'll take in a hammer if there are a lot of spellcasters and run a kd/as warrior. if I want to really pile conditions on one target at a time, I'll take a sword. If I want to beat the crap out of everybody I see, I'll take an Axe. It all depends on if I am running the primary or secondary (or only) warrior and what everybody else in the group is bringing. But my absolute favorite is Axe and always will be. One of my Guildies runs a really good Paladin and we are arranging through our sister Guild for him to take on my TF Axe warrior. I'll let you know who wins. lol-Pagan
Hammer works very well. In PvE, if you're really paranoid use Defy Pain, but it really isn't necessary. I use hammer, axe, sword, depending. I notice that the game is continually giving you highend hammers. Swords are also not too hard to get. Axe is the rough one to get hold of. Wonder why?
We don't really need another thread for this. In addition, just look for Warrior builds using different weapons and see which one you like best. Closed.
We don't really need another thread for this. In addition, just look for Warrior builds using different weapons and see which one you like best. Closed.