Hydras vs. Griffons


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Ok, I make most of my money soloing grifs with my Mo/W. Not creative, but neither is the idea of making money, so who cares. Anyways, I was getting really bored and decided to try to make a build to solo hydras and go farm them instead. After about 10 mins of testing I had my build and I was taking out hydras no probs.

So I farmed hydras for a while, and found that I was getting a lot of claws, the odd gold/rare, and a lot of non-max damage crap that I can't use or sell for anything decent.

Although it's a little more challenging, is there any economical benefit to farming hydras over grifs?



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005





Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Well that's a kick in the pants. Ahh well... hydras are more fun... Maybe I'll get enough claws to make a living selling those near the collector...

Probably not .

Thanks maxie.




There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Hehe If challenges are fun to you, try farming Underworld. The drops are pretty great and it's the biggest challenge you'll get.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


I two man the underworld with a guildmate of mine which is kinda fun, but I don't have the money to test builds there yet.

Screw 15k armor, I've got a new goal: Save up to lose all my money in the UW .

Thanks for the tips maxie.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mt Vernon, Ohio

Band of the Hawk


Came as a shock to me too. Cheapskate hydras! I also had high hopes for the sand elementals, but nothing there either.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Yeah the drops are garbage everywhere anyway, but I like farming the Hydras.
You can get lots of wood and dust from the drops you get and then sell or craft them into other things

Robos Stavanis

Robos Stavanis

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Indianapolis, In.

Order of the Setting Sun

Originally Posted by wilebill
Came as a shock to me too. Cheapskate hydras! I also had high hopes for the sand elementals, but nothing there either.
I have found that if I stick to just the areas where their are Hydras I can get through them much faster than the Griffs/Minitors. The reason for this is not the Griffs/Minitors, but the Devourers that pop up, and the distracting shots really slow me down. I have also noticed that over this past weekend, the Qality of the drops seems to have gotten much better.averaging 2-3 golds/run plus other various loot. Now I am Ulternating between Griffs and Hydra's, but I think time spent/loot obtained the Hydras are a bit ahead at the moment.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


NOT-Nomads Of Turmoil

Trying making the trip north from Drok's - Giants up there are fun and go down pretty quickly with SoJ. Only done it a few times so nothing super from the drops perspective but there's bound to be something good hiding up there.
As for Griffs/Minos + Devourers - they are way simple and easy regardless of the interupts, again using SoJ they die pretty quick. I just run until I can get a decent size group (Devs included), keep Prot Spirt going and wand dmg until I get the adrenaline for Bonetti's, hit that then SoJ then wand Devs to death.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Robos Stavanis
Qality of the drops seems to have gotten much better.averaging 2-3 golds/run plus other various loot.
I found only a few high req gold with bad mods and a lot of non-max nonsense when hunting hydras for about 2 hours. Went to the grifs for like 30 mins and got at least as much decent loot from those runs than I did from the hydras. Maybe it's just my luck.

I really wish I had shield of judgement...but I'm really lazy when it comes to capping skills. For the rockshots I just keep running until they stop chasing me. My build can take all the grifs they throw at me anyways and If it makes me aggro more then it's over with faster, but worrying about rockshots is still a pain and every once in a while they just happen to spawn in all the wrong spots.

Where is the hydra claw collector? Most people don't farm hydras so one might be able to sell the claws for something decent (unless the collector's got nothing good).

Anyways I think I'll stick to grifs and minos for a while until I can start wasting my money on the UW (did a few test runs there... let's just say I'm 5k poorer than I was. )


The Yoink

The Yoink

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Knights of the Ring


altogether, I tend to make more $$$ doing full hydra runs, but get better "rare" drops/more keys from Griff runs (and if, say, a Devourer drops something better than a bleached carapace it makes my day )