Luckiest thing that has happened to you
Ultimate Warrior
Ok I will start. Today in augury i bought an unidentified axe and sword, and got a 20% echantment upgrade from the axe, and 10/10 sundering hilt from the sword.
heres mine - today i went to this website and found this thread.
I know surviving at 1 health for a split-second with 3 degen on me would rank up there as my luckiest things.
Having a 20/20 icon, a 10% on my weapon, recharging Offering of Blood faster 5 times in a row.
Having a 20/20 icon, a 10% on my weapon, recharging Offering of Blood faster 5 times in a row.
In tombs, 2 monks left and were replaced by 2 archer henchies and I was left as the only monk, and we faced a 3 monk team and we won..
I bought a sword back in the day unidentified. Turned out it was a Max req 8 15>50 Barbed(lengthens bleeding) of fortitude(29).... and i only payed 2k for it... Very good considering good 15>50 at the time was going for 15k or more easily without these types of mods
on my way to the trolls outside of droks I fought a few avicara dn got 3 gold armours a sup healing,smiting, and absorption and it was the same day I bought the runes for my invincimonk.
Lorien of Mandos
Being last person alive and already used rez sig on Gates of Kryta to last boss and it looked like i wouldnt be able to kill him (kept blinding me, and I was playing as ranger)...didn't realize still had Oink with me, we had never bothered with bonus. I decided to run away a bit, and lo and behold Oink stayed behind and kept the boss busy while I pounded away at him with my bow and beat the mission....GO OINK!
I once bought an req 7 tall shield with dmg-2 in stance and dmg-2 while enchanted for only 16k
Gildor Took
i sold vilnars staff for 10 ectos
Evil Hypnotist
Lucky for me was bartering a guy down from 65k to 50k for The Stonehart and then as I was about to make the trade the party I was waiting for decided to zone out to Grenth's Footprint. How is that lucky you ask? I decided to stay with the group rather than leave and finish the transaction and I end up having The Stonehart dropped for me by that very nice Mr Brohn in the very same run!
Battle Torn
lol alot of these posts seem like skill to me and not luck... should post things that didnt involve skill while playing
thats why its luck!
Yesterday I found razorstone (80k) and runars brimstone staff (30k) within 10 mins farming
I also found 2 near perfect swords (all +10% +14% +19%)and a gold shield 16ar +28hp allways +6 against Charr which I though was nice 
Ill be down on the farm again tonight

Yesterday I found razorstone (80k) and runars brimstone staff (30k) within 10 mins farming

Ill be down on the farm again tonight

Was doing Borlis Pass (twice) solo with my nuker... Got two Rare axes both with 20% enchant mods on them from the exact same beastmaster.
Bought an unid'ed req 9 wingblade. Turned out to be 15% enchanted with 3/1 Vamp on it. Not great, but it was only 6k.
Bought an unid'ed req 9 wingblade. Turned out to be 15% enchanted with 3/1 Vamp on it. Not great, but it was only 6k.
Someone gave me a free +5 HoD sword in the grotto just last week.
I still can't figure out why. :P
Rufio Lostboy
first time ever i do SF, drago drops his flatbow for me, sold for 100K
heavy metal rules
an old guild mate of mine doesn' play the game anymore and he happend to see me in draknor's yesterday and asked if i want any of his stuff. of course i wasn't going to say no.. so for free yesterday i got a sup vigor to sell of course a sup absorb rune so i put that on my warrior. Many more runes and weapons..all in all i ended up make 46 plat for 4 mins of time...
so yesterday was a good day for me..
so yesterday was a good day for me..

Sir Skullcrasher
Trade my Tanzit Defender for a Gold Falchion 15-22 (req 8) 15% dmg above 50% health, 10/8 AP and +29 health.
Wish all trade is like this!
Wish all trade is like this!
found morgriff's scepter and tanzits cleaver in one session with a full party of henchies and then someone gave me a yakslapper and some black dye for free. i thought great! what a lucky day, but then i sicked up later and was off school all week.
I was doing SF with a 5 man group, did 5 runs. First four I got nothing and all the greens were split between the groups. Fifth run I hit every green that dropped
. Made it worthwhile.
imaginary friend
in 2 FA runs i got korvalds chakram,razorstone,ragos flame wand... i was happy
Here's mine:
I got my account suspended during exam time. I love those guys down at Anet.
I got my account suspended during exam time. I love those guys down at Anet.

Sir Skullcrasher
Did a farming run last week. Only 4 people in the group (me as gear tank, two monks, and one MM) And we did the farming run for orozar. We're going with Orozar to take his bro out of SF. Long story short. I got Galigord's Rod, along with these two from one single boss. As we made our way outside, we met with Rago and started to kick his butt. Than when he died (thinking that no drops will happen) out came all three of his greens. Rago Staff, Wand and Kindlerock. I ended up with his wand and kindlerock while the other monk got his staff.
Best farming run ever for me!
Best farming run ever for me!
Got a Sup Vigor and Sup healing rune from Ettins, then later the same day got another Sup Vigor and a Sup Smiting rune.
the luckiest thing for me is the moment i realized henchies were better then 90% of pubs groups
trying to cap the elite monk skill from the first dragon boss in Dragon's lair when someone in the team decided to walk through the portal even though we were all agreed to wait until skills had been captured. The cap skill window appeared with me on the other side of the portal so I could cap it still. The idiot in question dropped from the team because he inisted he would only fight if we gave him a sword. No one would lol... moron. But a bad moment turned awsome by the fact I could still cap the spell. I got some good drops on that trip through.
Lord High Pwner
My luckiest day ever in Guild Wars was last week. I was with a group doing an oro run, it was my second run with this group and I got 5 green drops, Bortak claw, Brohns rod, Razorstone,Graygore zealous and rockmolder.After run was over the group said they where putting me on ignore and would never go with me again and that they hated me.I was laughing so hard.
buying bortaks bone csta for 40k and reselling it for 100k+1 ecto, thats pretty lucky
I died fighting against Doppelganger, but it uses Signet of Agony to kill me and it sacrifise and bleed itself to death right after killing me (we are both dead), all within 40 seconds. Ascended and got the bonus.
hmmm lets see......
1. Finished TK without monks
[hehe real good teamwork]
2. My dopple hits me and i had 20hp left and he had bout the same and we fired off another arrow but mine was faster and he died lol
3. Buying a gold Uni for 5k and gettin a +29hp bow grip
4. Discovering the 55monk build lol [made me tons of cash]
5. Getting a super vigor rune out of a chest
1. Finished TK without monks

2. My dopple hits me and i had 20hp left and he had bout the same and we fired off another arrow but mine was faster and he died lol
3. Buying a gold Uni for 5k and gettin a +29hp bow grip
4. Discovering the 55monk build lol [made me tons of cash]
5. Getting a super vigor rune out of a chest
1) Random person gave me 20k for 2k worth of supplies. I corrected him but he insisted on giving me 20k.
2) Random person tipping me a 12>50 Chaos Axe and -1 enchanted Eternal Shield for an hour long run which was godly to me at the time. He told me he already had fissure armor on two characters so he didn't mind, but I didn't know what that meant at the time.
3) I was trading with a a random guy and he asked me to hold his 15>50 req 8 Fellblade for him to transfer to a second account. This was about 2 months ago when Fellblades were much more in demand, probably around 800k-1.2M. Anyway I obliged and he tipped me 50k and a 10% furious and 10/10 sunder axe hafts for not disappearing with the sword.
At the time I probably had about 50k in total cash as well.
#1 and #3 happened to me on the same day too.
2) Random person tipping me a 12>50 Chaos Axe and -1 enchanted Eternal Shield for an hour long run which was godly to me at the time. He told me he already had fissure armor on two characters so he didn't mind, but I didn't know what that meant at the time.
3) I was trading with a a random guy and he asked me to hold his 15>50 req 8 Fellblade for him to transfer to a second account. This was about 2 months ago when Fellblades were much more in demand, probably around 800k-1.2M. Anyway I obliged and he tipped me 50k and a 10% furious and 10/10 sunder axe hafts for not disappearing with the sword.

#1 and #3 happened to me on the same day too.
Last night I went on an Oro farm as the protection monk. We had a tank, a minion master, a SS necro, and a healing monk in addition to me. It was the healing monk's very first farm, and I could tell she was making errors like overhealing, etc. The first time we went, she talked to Oro and triggered Plan A early...stuff like that. I'll be honest, I wasn't playing very well last night either, for some reason, so the tank and SS necro died a few times.
This triggered the SS necro to say things like "Why do I never have these problems when I use my monk ><" or "WTF happened?? :P" Nothing too insulting, but pretty annoying. At one point he implied that the minion master wasn't very good, and the MM takes it personally and gets pissy for the rest of the farm, leading to conversations such as "u think u can do better?" "lol I know I can" etc. Sounds like a delightful time, huh?
Well I should get to the lucky part. The healing monk and I were for the most part being quiet, and we manage to get through plan a and plan b. My total green drops were Thorgall's stone smasher and vocur's cane. However, the healing monk got the following:
some crappy mesmer thing
Boulderbeard's short bow
Rago's Flame Staff
Drago's flat bow
Bartak's Bone Cesta
My eyes kept getting wider as she continued to get prime green drops. It was crazy. Afterward the MM tried to get the Bone Cesta from her for 4k, but me, the SS necro, and the tank all set him straight.
This triggered the SS necro to say things like "Why do I never have these problems when I use my monk ><" or "WTF happened?? :P" Nothing too insulting, but pretty annoying. At one point he implied that the minion master wasn't very good, and the MM takes it personally and gets pissy for the rest of the farm, leading to conversations such as "u think u can do better?" "lol I know I can" etc. Sounds like a delightful time, huh?
Well I should get to the lucky part. The healing monk and I were for the most part being quiet, and we manage to get through plan a and plan b. My total green drops were Thorgall's stone smasher and vocur's cane. However, the healing monk got the following:
some crappy mesmer thing
Boulderbeard's short bow
Rago's Flame Staff
Drago's flat bow
Bartak's Bone Cesta
My eyes kept getting wider as she continued to get prime green drops. It was crazy. Afterward the MM tried to get the Bone Cesta from her for 4k, but me, the SS necro, and the tank all set him straight.
I got a razorstone on one of my first SF runs and sold it for 120k.
Or recently, on a 5-man IDS run, we got 5 IDS drops.....
x 100
Or recently, on a 5-man IDS run, we got 5 IDS drops.....
A while ago...when farming was decent.
I was pretty broke from buying armor and such so I decided to do a couple griffon runs. I made just over 12k in about a half hour and while I was going to merchant to sell my finds someone was spamming UNID FLAMBERGE REQ 7! Being the addict that I am ( 200-300k this past week in unids
) I bought it for 12k. I i'd it and it was 15>50 ^_^
I sold it but I always keep a picture of my finds. I modded it with my extras (like I said, was pretty broke) so I could sell it easier.
I was pretty broke from buying armor and such so I decided to do a couple griffon runs. I made just over 12k in about a half hour and while I was going to merchant to sell my finds someone was spamming UNID FLAMBERGE REQ 7! Being the addict that I am ( 200-300k this past week in unids

I sold it but I always keep a picture of my finds. I modded it with my extras (like I said, was pretty broke) so I could sell it easier.