1: We all remember Diablo 2; it was one of the best RPG of all time. What made it so great was that a person would take 20 minutes trying to kill a boss, and when they did they were rewarded. Let face it, the rewards in GW are crap compared to the ones in Diablo 2. One reason why Diablo 2 was better was because it had a lot larger variety of weapons, runes and, armor. More variety is greatly needed in GW to keep the game interesting. This includes more runes because a simple 3 plus to skills is not exactly what I need to protect my monk from harm; stuff like increase armor, resistances to magic, additional damage, improvement to certain skills, charges that let you cast powerful spells, the list could go on and on but it doesn’t in GW. With weapons I never thought there would be a max damage. I always thought someone would find a 20- 30 longbow and sell it for a million. Unfortunately, no one did and the greatest actual variety in the kind of weapon still hasn’t’ changed. Weapons and arm both need to improve just as much as the runes do.
2: When the game first came out I didn’t even think I would ever find any of the elite skills. As it turned out a month after I got it I already had lots of the good elites and half the skills. Its obviously too late to make locations to skills trickier, but there’s still a way to fix this so not all fire elementals are the same. My idea is a combo system. The way it would work is once a character leaves an outpost they could call up the combo menu and see what combos they have depending on the skills they equipped, (maybe) the day of week it is, and what weapons and armor they are using. These combos would deliver more power than the skills they use, they would cost the average amount of energy of the skills they used, they would take as much time as the fastest, and you would have to wait for all the skills to recharge to be used again. Combos could display powers of the gods and stuff like that; in addition they would also challenge people to be more creative and personal with their build.
3: even though allowing only a maximum level 20 per character is a good idea, it really takes the fun out of gaining exp. My idea for this is a lot simpler than the one above. Allow a maximum level 99 but, at after level 50, the attributes you gain will become a lot less (say 10 points a level) and in addition for every one you use you lose 3 points of maximum health and 1 point of maximum energy and you no longer gain health when you level up. This could represent that as a character gets stronger and wiser he gets older and more fragile. You could even add in some effects to transform the appearance of the character based on the attributes they have used. The DESIRABLE level would then be level 50. For PVP characters the same rule would apply but the max level of a PVP character would be dependent on the highest-level character you have ever had in the game.
Thanks for reading this hope some of my ideas are used.
Email: [email protected]
weapons, combos, and levels
dagger bird
Diablo was the greatest game ever IMO
1) I'm a fan if looot. More loot the better!
2) Care to extrapolate?
3) Max level cannot, ever be changed.
I think Chapter 2 will add a lot of content and item skinns. Possibly even more modifiers (20% longer stance anyone). We can only pray they don't implement King Jewels though
1) I'm a fan if looot. More loot the better!
2) Care to extrapolate?
3) Max level cannot, ever be changed.
I think Chapter 2 will add a lot of content and item skinns. Possibly even more modifiers (20% longer stance anyone). We can only pray they don't implement King Jewels though