PHP Coders Unite


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Give them a bit to reply

I don't think they'll let you have a copy of their database, but I'm sure they'll consider added more to theirs (such as the options you listed)



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Actually, a lot of that was already in our database during the beta, it's just been temporarily disabled because all the skill locations have changed since release and we're still compiling the new info.




Join Date: Mar 2005

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ladder to Hell (ATM playing with Rus Corp)

Originally Posted by [FATE]LordXap
Feel free to use these ideas in anyway you want. I would even be happy to help.

But if you feel you don't have the time for such a upgrade to your existing system I would like to request of copy of the data contained in the database you use for your current skill system so we can work on our own without unnecessary replication of data and work. Actually on second though I would still love a copy of the data sheets even in CSV format.
Any help will be appreciated. Guildwarsguru admins should respond soon if they want to give database php files or data for use on a clan site.

Quote: Originally Posted by [FATE]LordXap I have a request of you and a few suggestions as well.
The items we are talking about adding are as follows:
1. Locations this skill can be found at.
2. If this skill came from a quest, capture, or trainer. Well, currently this information is stored in boss/trainer articles. We have a link parser that parses urls from all articles. If article A have a link to article B, then a link to an article A will be added to article B as well.
For example, there is a link to a boss, a skill trainer and several build/spotlight articles in this skill decription (by the way, something is wrong with the areas, i'll check it, probably these articles are marked as deleted or something like that, so they shouldn't be parsed)
There is no quest data for now, but a beta version of a quest database is ready.
Probably it's a good idea to make it another way, so if someone will suggest a better HTML layout, it will not be hard to change it.

Quote: Originally Posted by [FATE]LordXap 3. A reference map location number. Example A-1 (Overlay a master map with a grid.) I also thought that it will be really useful (like or maps for WoW). The problem is that just about everyone uses a 'Map Project' as a guild wars map, and it's still being updated. So, it's impossible to use absolute pixel coordinates or something like that. Anyway, this information should be stored with an NPC, boss or quest.

Originally Posted by [FATE]LordXap
4. Detail intel on the steps taken for the skill. Example (Quest found in Lions Arch from Warmaster Titus) It will be in a quest database, but we can show some part of the information with skills too. NPC (including Trainer) database and Boss database are also in the plans, but it's not implemented yet.

Originally Posted by [FATE]LordXap
5. Comments posting for each skill linked via a PHP based board. (Where I might add the bulk of this data can be collected from without having to physically search it out yourself due to the large number of visitors your site recieves.) Inde wanted it, but he wanted to make just another 999999th board just for a skills database, but i don't like to make 999999th bicycle and Sarus is busy with exams so noone did it. IMHO it's better to use an existing board somehow.