Bring Back Farming And Any Weapon Can Drop Anywhere
I think arena net should allow farming, i think it could do some benefit to the guild wars community, a lot of people complain that they can't buy there fissure armor, or perfect weapons with perfect upgrades, allowing farming could make it so anyone can get anything they want by farming, instead of anet basically handing out items(green items, perfect draknors weapons), it could also cut down on those people that make real money off of gold, and items, it would bring back more people to the game because a lot of them left after the trading pretty much died out. In a lot of people's minds there like why trade, i'm never going to be able to afford it, by allowing farming everyone can buy whatever they want they just got to put some effort and time into it.
Also allow any weapon to drop anywhere in world, serpent axes,dwarven,sickle, chaos axes, crystalline swords, etc..
Also allow any weapon to drop anywhere in world, serpent axes,dwarven,sickle, chaos axes, crystalline swords, etc..
Farming is still going on...I'm farming right now!
Yep farming is still very viable if you want to do it. Just don't get stuck into a mindset where you think your build is the only good build for it.
If players left the game because they couldn't find/afford pretty weapons that didn't benefit them any better than collector/crafter items... good riddance. I'd rather play with someone who cares more about skill and teamwork than looking good.
Put in some non-gold sink item that would actually make it so all of that farming is necessary. Players probably left the game because they realized what they were doing wasn't benefiting them in anyway.
Put in some non-gold sink item that would actually make it so all of that farming is necessary. Players probably left the game because they realized what they were doing wasn't benefiting them in anyway.
There's also a reason why many people can't afford fissure armor, it's because it's supposed to be like that.
I think what he is getting at is increase the drop rate and gold much more so than these selling it on e-bay.It would be nice to see runes drop as well especally superior all I get is major and this would help those get thier 15K armor as well otherwise some may look towards e-bay if they can't wait.
when i mean by allow farming i mean, to take out the farming system, where if you keep killing same thing over and over the drops keep getting less and less, like especially in maguum and tyria where a lot of people used to farm a while back.
Bane of Mortality
I disagree with the idea have having any item drop anywhere. Why would you go farming in UW or FoW when you could get the same item in a much easier place?
WHen I glanced at the title of this topic I could've sworn it said Bring back farming and nobody gets hurt. :P
WHen I glanced at the title of this topic I could've sworn it said Bring back farming and nobody gets hurt. :P
Play NCSoft's other massive roleplayer, Lineage 2. Try to farm in that and THEN complain about the lack of gold... you wont, garenteed.
Fissure Armor is supposed to be near impossible to get, only for those really dedicated.
Shimus DarkRaven
/Sarcasm On.
Obliterating/Annihilating. FTW.
I really don't like the word farming. Why? I'm not picking corn, or harvesting wheat. I'm getting graphical effects and grunts, with things dying. I think it should be called "Obliterating" or "Annihilating"
"Hey bob, you went out Obliterating yet?"
"Why no, I haven't Dave. Thanks for reminding me! Nothing like a morning of Annihilating!"
"What are you Obliterating today? It seems like ettins!"
"Nah, I was thinking more like mergoyles. Gotta get some caster items!"
"Ahh, yes..."
/Sarcasm Off
But yes, obliterating is still plenty big. It's still highly doable and fun. Just no more AOE's unless you need a "I'm not worried if you run while I kill you" build.
--The Shim
Obliterating/Annihilating. FTW.
I really don't like the word farming. Why? I'm not picking corn, or harvesting wheat. I'm getting graphical effects and grunts, with things dying. I think it should be called "Obliterating" or "Annihilating"
"Hey bob, you went out Obliterating yet?"
"Why no, I haven't Dave. Thanks for reminding me! Nothing like a morning of Annihilating!"
"What are you Obliterating today? It seems like ettins!"
"Nah, I was thinking more like mergoyles. Gotta get some caster items!"
"Ahh, yes..."
/Sarcasm Off
But yes, obliterating is still plenty big. It's still highly doable and fun. Just no more AOE's unless you need a "I'm not worried if you run while I kill you" build.
--The Shim
lol, i'm not complaining about gold.... i have more then enough.... fissure armor is still armor, for being near impossible to get.... haven't you noticed the route that arena net is going... give poor people what they want, every armor is supposed to be obtainable, it started with green items, now there's icy dragon swords with no upgrades but perfect stats. ANET should actually make people take there time to obtain other items, I personally could care less about buying fissure armor because I already got it on 2 of my characters, but being able to obtain large amounts of money is what kept a lot of people playing the game because a lot of people did do a lot of trading, some people don't understand the logic why some people would sit in LA for hours just seeing if a good item would be spammed so they can buy it.... there's some people that don't understand why people only do pve, if you don't understand how much the trade economy actually drove this game and kept people playing then you shouldn't really criticize those people that quit because they couldn't trade anymore.
Kago Seirei
Look, you don't have to farm to make money. I do missions, quests, etc with people and I get a decent amount of cash in the same amount of time. With these new chests and stuff, keys are basically free from drops, and at times, the chests drop something good. Also, I get a good amount of gold drops normally, even though everyone says I h4x everytime one drops, but anyway, yeah. :/ Like Anet intended, doing missions, quests, etc should yield a decent flow of cash.
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Kago Seirei
Look, you don't have to farm to make money. I do missions, quests, etc with people and I get a decent amount of cash in the same amount of time. With these new chests and stuff, keys are basically free from drops, and at times, the chests drop something good. Also, I get a good amount of gold drops normally, even though everyone says I h4x everytime one drops, but anyway, yeah. :/ Like Anet intended, doing missions, quests, etc should yield a decent flow of cash.
In other words, ANET ever intended for any farming, or offshoot, or doing missions specifically for drops/gold. They just saw it as a possible outcome yet went along with it. Their choice =)
I highly doubt they said, "we'll give good drops and gold to a party of people doing a mission" heh

--The Shim
I agree Farming is still very plentiful, and it is suppose to be a challenge. you really don’t have to spend a lot of gold to get a good weapon or armor, and a s far as fissure armor goes personally the only piece that I like is the helm for a warrior, but that’s the point it is suppose to be hard to acquire. The problem doesn’t lye with the farmers such as our selves the problem is the companies that use farming bots and have their employees sell the stuff for gold in Lions Arch and Ascalon dist 1 and then the company sells the gold for cash on the internet. I think the real problem lye’s there if Arena net would crack down on those people the farming issue would be no more. Every one has seen these people same character there for hours on end spam selling in the dist 1 areas I mean come on if they were really the ones that farmed this stuff they wouldn’t have all this time to sell this stuff. They get paid 1.25/hr to sit in front of a computer and spam sell stuff. If you notice they never have items that you get from UW and FOW because the company can’t build a bot smart enough to farm those areas. My rant is done the problem is not in the Farming in general it’s with the companies exploiting the system
So you are complaining that a piece of otherwise worthless armor that was designed to be hard to get and exclusive is - wait for it - hard to get and exclusive?
Well, I'll be.
Well, I'll be.
YoNkErS 2k5
Originally Posted by Hannibel
I think arena net should allow farming, i think it could do some benefit to the guild wars community, a lot of people complain that they can't buy there fissure armor, or perfect weapons with perfect upgrades, allowing farming could make it so anyone can get anything they want by farming, instead of anet basically handing out items(green items, perfect draknors weapons), it could also cut down on those people that make real money off of gold, and items, it would bring back more people to the game because a lot of them left after the trading pretty much died out. In a lot of people's minds there like why trade, i'm never going to be able to afford it, by allowing farming everyone can buy whatever they want they just got to put some effort and time into it.
Also allow any weapon to drop anywhere in world, serpent axes,dwarven,sickle, chaos axes, crystalline swords, etc.. |