finally revealed on video..
[Video] The Secrets of IWAY with Traps
I knew it!!!
Former Ruling
I never knew ranger women were so sexy dancing with no armor...You really video'd the angles good....
Forbidden Angel
Wheres the IWAY? o__o and teh traps!! ~_~
Forbidden Angel
Whats the song..? >>=DD
Sereng Amaranth
whats with your skill numbers? they're out of order, and i didn't see #2, is that a #9??
Originally Posted by Forbidden Angel
Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
whats with your skill numbers? they're out of order, and i didn't see #2, is that a #9??
i assigned numlock numbers on my skill bar and tried to practice using the skills via keyboard. i sucked and went back to (and still using) mouse clicks.
Forbidden Angel
:0 tom has good taste in musik for rangerz >=p
specially teh female ones! ^^ weis
Gg with the video. Only wrong thing in here is that iway doesn't win with or without traps... O.o
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by weis
Gg with the video. Only wrong thing in here is that iway doesn't win with or without traps... O.o
...Female warriors?
and now also we can say IWAY is moralally wrong now b/c it abuses more then just pets now art_ |