Well, I have finally found a use for my level 20 who has beat the game. I can help other players through the game or I can collect materials. I got a ton of scales from the hydras in the desert, but now I want to collect wood planks, then possibly iron. However, I can't find an area where there are drops that yield wood in quantities more than one or two. Has anybody figured out where to farm for specific materials yet? Obviously the hydras yield claws that give five or six scales at a time, but wood seems to be hard to find for some reason.
I am collecting materials and placing 250 of each in storage to allow my lower level players to create their armors as I move them through the game. I am also collecting dyes, but they drop so rarely that I am not specifically farming for them. Ideas?
Common Material Locations?
Originally Posted by Baratus
Well, I have finally found a use for my level 20 who has beat the game. I can help other players through the game or I can collect materials. I got a ton of scales from the hydras in the desert, but now I want to collect wood planks, then possibly iron. However, I can't find an area where there are drops that yield wood in quantities more than one or two. Has anybody figured out where to farm for specific materials yet? Obviously the hydras yield claws that give five or six scales at a time, but wood seems to be hard to find for some reason.
I am collecting materials and placing 250 of each in storage to allow my lower level players to create their armors as I move them through the game. I am also collecting dyes, but they drop so rarely that I am not specifically farming for them. Ideas? |
Charr carvings salvage into wood also. low level no brain function required farming there.
Murder In China
The trolls outside of Droknar's Forge is an excellent area to get lots of wood. They drop lots of raven staffs, when salvaged can yield aroun 7-11 wood planks.
For dust, try farming the undeads in the mission, Gates of Kryta. One run can yield about 50 dust or so.
For dust, try farming the undeads in the mission, Gates of Kryta. One run can yield about 50 dust or so.
UW/FoW: Dust dust and more dust
Undead in Kryta: Dust, Bones, Cloth (Orr Emblems)
Ettins in Kryta: Tanned Hide (from their armor, hardened hump and ettin hide)
Minotaurs: Tanned Hide / Leather from their hides
Shiverpeak: Fur from their Hides
I prefer UW/FoW for wood (Lots of white weapons)
Undead in Kryta: Dust, Bones, Cloth (Orr Emblems)
Ettins in Kryta: Tanned Hide (from their armor, hardened hump and ettin hide)
Minotaurs: Tanned Hide / Leather from their hides
Shiverpeak: Fur from their Hides
I prefer UW/FoW for wood (Lots of white weapons)
For wood planks, I usually go outside Aurora Glade with a fire ele - I think the thorn stalkers drop wood, as well as fiber. And you can always normal salvage the staves they drop all the time.
I found the desert outsid Augury with the hydras, but where I originally soloed through there at lv17 with this character, I have an insane time just staying alive now. I assume it's due to changes in the skills and such. I'm using the old Paladin buid, and since this is my original retail character, I don't want to change him around.
To the jerk who made the comment about Charr and their carvings, you should read my post. Everybody knows those yield wood, but I am looking for more than one or two pieces per salvage. That means high-level mobs.
I'll try Aurora Glade and Drok's next. My main hold-up is finding a sword-paladin build that doesn't suck anymore. I used to do UW runs solo, but that is suicide now. Any suggestions on that one? I've read around and seen a lot of posts about swords and axes being unbalanced, about different nerfs and all, and have discovered that my old build was nerfed for PvP reasons (that sucks, because I am playing GW for PvE, not PvP) and now I have to suffer. I have a superior swordsmanship rune on my gauntlets, so that helps, and my strength is 11. I just don't deal any damage and can't reflect or reduce damage anymore. I have a max damage fiery fellblade of fortitude and knights armor runed up, but no go.
To the jerk who made the comment about Charr and their carvings, you should read my post. Everybody knows those yield wood, but I am looking for more than one or two pieces per salvage. That means high-level mobs.
I'll try Aurora Glade and Drok's next. My main hold-up is finding a sword-paladin build that doesn't suck anymore. I used to do UW runs solo, but that is suicide now. Any suggestions on that one? I've read around and seen a lot of posts about swords and axes being unbalanced, about different nerfs and all, and have discovered that my old build was nerfed for PvP reasons (that sucks, because I am playing GW for PvE, not PvP) and now I have to suffer. I have a superior swordsmanship rune on my gauntlets, so that helps, and my strength is 11. I just don't deal any damage and can't reflect or reduce damage anymore. I have a max damage fiery fellblade of fortitude and knights armor runed up, but no go.
Kryta mission: cloth
UW/FoW: dust (remains)
UW/FoW/SF: wood (bows, staffs)
UW/FoW: dust (remains)
UW/FoW/SF: wood (bows, staffs)