Well I've finally made it to the Desert and it's a hell of a lot tougher than I expected. Up until now I've been a standard Axe warrior with Dismember, Cyclone Axe and that shiz and the Necro secondary gave me a nice Plague Touch and Soul Feast or Parasitic Bond (if I can't use corpses) and I've been fine. But suddenly I come to the Desert, and I notice that the W/Mo's are very dominant. So with the whole choice of switching available now, I began to think. All around PVE they dominate (PVP's a different story) so I was thinking, should I switch over to W/Mo now?
My first thoughts were no ... I shouldn't go in with the rest of them and become one of many but then I began to consider it more and more. Farming, questing, and missions, all are easy for W/Mo's. So my question is, should I become absorbed into the mass of players that have chosen to go with non-original power, or semi-struggle and continue with my W/N ways?
Woah, first post. So uh ... hi.
W/N to W/Mo?