i seem to be missin 3 weapon sets (f2, f3, f4), i only have f1 and im getting real pissed. my necro have it and so does my friend? do you need to do a quest to get the weapon sets? how do you get it?
how come im missing my weapon sets
Oh noes, someone's going to steal your build, blank it outzorz!!!shift1111one
Enable the other weapon sets from your inventory screen with the button labeled "Weapon Sets." Self-explanatory from that point.
Enable the other weapon sets from your inventory screen with the button labeled "Weapon Sets." Self-explanatory from that point.
Sir Skullcrasher
click open your inventory. Click on weapon set and enable 2, 3, and 4.
Hope that helps.
Hope that helps.
oh thanks alot, i was so blind for not seeing that. ><
Sir Skullcrasher
now tell us what build you using than it's all good!
You know it's W/Mo with a Grognar's Sword, Malinon's Shield.
Let me guess his skillbar:
Frenzy (not Flurry), Sever Artery, Gash, Heal Signet, Orison, Healing Breeze, Mending (OMG you forgot to block the icon from the top left corner!!1!), Restore Life
Let me guess his skillbar:
Frenzy (not Flurry), Sever Artery, Gash, Heal Signet, Orison, Healing Breeze, Mending (OMG you forgot to block the icon from the top left corner!!1!), Restore Life
wrong, its just a basic griff mino build. :P
its a crippling sword and shield of wing..
its a crippling sword and shield of wing..