CueTip [Qtip] is currently a small guild looking to expand a bit. Currently there are only 4 members. We are all in our 20's so we all work and have lives outside of GuildWars, so if you are looking for an extremely active guild, this is not the one for you, however there is usually at least a couple of us on every evening. You do not have to be in our age group as long as you act mature and friendly.
We are trying to create a very friendly and helpful community within our guild. If someone in the guild has needs help with a quest that the rest of us have already completed, we will help them anyway. And if someone needs an item or gold, we will give it to them and ask for nothing in return.
We have a website with forums, and TeamSpeak for the guild to use. Right now we are mostly PvE, but we are going to eventually do some GvG once the guild is well established. We are not in any rush though. We want to take our time doing every quest that we can and explore every corner of the map. We just want to experience the game for all it's worth.
I'm sure there is a lot that I have forgot so just check out the site at . Let me know if you are interested!