A little OT: Age Req.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I'm just a little flustered right now so please don't confuse this with a pubescent rant:

Why all the age requirements?

I'm 14 years old, and can't even talk to half the clans I find interesting because I'm young. Well here's a little info for you all out there: Not all of us minors are immature people with high-pitched voices who spam your TS server.

I for one, have never gotten kicked out of a clan for immature behavior (never have I gotten kicked out of a clan for that matter!) on any game! I have lead a CAL-O CS 1.6 clan...with 6 members total. I was only one of two under age 18.

(Not meaning to brag.)

As for recruitment of -18 or -16 players, I give them a chance. Granted, there are plenty out there who are a major pain in the ass to any and all members of an online gaming society, but those people have given anyone in their early teens a bad image. Anyone my age is now every hacker, cheater, spammer and thief on the planet. Come on, people!

I'm really not quite sure what I'm trying to get at with this post, other than to express my feelings on this matter. It's doubtful it will change anything, or if this is even the right forum to post it on, but since it's the board dedicated to guilds I decided to give it a go.


Raw Blythe.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

If you disagree with the requirements of a guild, talk to the leadership and state your case. In most guilds, it's more of an anti-immaturity thing than an anti-young thing. If you display gumption, moxie, and other attributes from the Flapper Era, you'll probably get in.