I searched for awhile, and found a few other posts relating to this topic, but none of those threads hit on every point that I felt needed to be addressed. There is a fundamental problem pertaining to GvG battles, the requirement to field 8 active members at the same time. For some guilds this alone is an insurmountable obstacle preventing full enjoyment of the Guild PvP aspect of the game. What I have in mind will serve as an extension to the pre-existing GvG format. So enough yip yap Nyte! Onto the idea!! Guild Alliance’s and Alliance vs. Alliance PvP Each Alliance will consist of at least 3 Guilds; an Alliance is not bound by a set number of guilds, but must be started and must maintain at least 3 guilds. Creation of an Alliance 3 Guild leaders meet up in the same outpost / district, and speak with an NPC called [Alliance Registrar]. All 3 Guild leaders will need to be in a party during this process. All 3 speak with the NPC and indicate that they want to become an Alliance. All 3 must agree to the same Alliance name and Alliance tag. Once all 3 have spoken with the NPC and all 3 have submitted matching Names and Tags. The Alliance is born. At this point, each of the 3 Guild Leaders becomes an Alliance leader. Alliance leaders can choose any member of the alliance to act as “Alliance Officers”. Someone may occupy an officer position in both Guild and Alliance. Expanding the Alliance, this is done through the same method as creating an Alliance. Any one of the 3 current Alliance Leaders, party with the Guild Leader wishing to join the Alliance, speak to the NPC, then be placed into the Alliance. Alliance ending; if at any point, an Alliance does not have at least 3 guilds registered to it, the alliance is disbanded. This is to help prevent stagnation, and “dead” Alliance’s polluting the Alliance listing. Alliance Extras Alliance Cape – The Alliance leaders may visit the cape NPC in the same fashion as the [Alliance Registrar]. They may at this time design and choose an alliance cape. Individuals within the alliance will be given the choice between Guild Cape / Alliance Cape, however; during AvA (Alliance vs. Alliance) or GvG the appropriate cape will be forcibly shown, same as it is now. Same choice is given for which tag to display after your name. Alliance Hall; The 3 leaders may also, choose out an Alliance Hall. This will be used as a gathering place for Alliance members, and a staging point for AvA battles. The Alliance Hall, which is really just a current guild hall, can be placed on the now un-used island directly south of the current Guild Hall island (to me this island resembles an ice cream cone…). Inside the Alliance hall, there will be the standard henchmen who are now found in the current guild halls, as well as a new NPC the [Alliance Battle Master] and the [Alliance Record Keeper]. [Alliance Battle Master] – Job is to solely take requests to enter the arena, once an ABP (Alliance Battle Party) is formed, the leader of the ABP talks to the [Alliance Battle Master] to start the AvA battle. [Alliance Record Keeper] – A Detailed record of wins / loss’s. Showing each battle, and which alliance the battle was fought against. Also, the Record Keeper has a current listing of all Alliance’s, sort able by, Name, Number of Guilds in the Alliance, Total number of Alliance members, and efficiency (more about the efficiency in a moment). There would also need to be another chat “channel” created, Alliance Chat, quick key could be set to %. (Or the number 5) Formation of an ABP. At any time, any Alliance officer can start an ABP, using anyone who is currently a member of the Alliance. The leader can choose between facing a random opponent, or can “challenge” another ABP (from another Alliance). AvA differs from GvG in a few aspects; Ava is completely random, no waiting for another evenly ranked team. Some fights will be against low skilled players, some will be against higher skilled players. There is no rating similar to GvG for AvA; instead, the Alliance will be given an efficiency rating. This rating will be based off the Win / Loss record for the alliance. So they better you do, the higher your efficiency rating will be. There can be any number of ABP’s fighting at a time, from 1 alliance, provided each ABP has an Alliance Officer to lead it. As this is an extension to GvG, all battles are held in the current GvG style, meaning you would be fighting the same style of match as if you were in a GvG battle, this would add a level of “practice” that some think (including myself) would be very helpful. AvA would also eradicate the current “member on” constraint allowing for quicker battles, more battles per night. An Alliance window could show every member of the Alliance by Guild, or just a list of all the Alliance members. A note about guest rights. Guests of a guild do not gain alliance privileges. There should be no Alliance guest options. |