Im worried about the direction this game is going

Mountain Man

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Tkmaster
i was on wow and i seen people saying you suck etc... Having a pay per month system wont really stop that
Yes, because even jerks have money.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Gaile, if you're listening.... We don't need moderators but we do need a few more words to be filtered. Racial slurs are just unacceptable.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Hope And Glory


On the one hand I agree that the chat channels are out of control with spam and offensive language.

But, given the way the game is set up, with upteen million instances, it would be very hard for the Devs or even a group of guides to moderate all of that stuff (without hiring upteen million Devs and guides).

What I think is needed is to be able to select a player's name and click "report". That should then create an automatic ticket with the last 20 lines or so of that player's text reported. That way, the next time someone decides to go off on a racist diatribe in a public place, or spam for 15 minutes, there is an easy remedy.

This assumes someone will read those tickets and act on them, which would be no small task.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Infinite Representation Of Pie And Its Many Brilliances

Now I've not played for an insanely long time, I'm at about lvl 14 but over the past week or so I will say, I rarely if ever encountered any of these problems, I had one guy try to scam me, in which case I put forth the money, then withdrew it and submitted, and took the item he tried to scam me with, no big deal, I was smart enough to look at what I was getting. Also pay to play won't help the matter at all, it'll still exist. As will the entire "n00b u blo" sort of thing. This is everywhere, in almost any online game. Though I will say, in my time playing the game, I haven't seen a single person use the word "noob" or any of it's variations.

I have seen a couple people spam the chat, but I have trade off because...why do you care about what people are selling if you don't need anything? I turn it on only when I'm looking to sell or buy, I don't care about other people. Also, one thing I'll ask, does going to another district change the chat that you see? Like only people from the district? I never cared enough to try, and never encountered serious problems with spammers so I never tested it, if you do only see the chat in your district, just change districts, if not, add them to your ignore list. No big deal.

This is, as a whole, one of the best MMORPG (if you can call it that) communites that I've seen, you'd think not having monthly payments would actually bring in more pimple popping piss ants, but I've yet to run into any that have caused a problem, finding a party really isn't NEARLY as difficult as in other games, and they're usually pretty good when you get them together. And if you don't like them, use the henchmen, they've done wonders for me so far, sometimes better than the players I get in my parties. Great game, great community. You'll always run into problems, but you won't find a place where you'll not encounter them anyways.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Seattle, WA, USA [PST | GMT -8]

Ready and Willing [RAWR]

Oh, well. I just settle for a little bit of "WTB rune of major spammer killing" and "Use the damn trade channel" once in a while; it lets me vent some steam. Sure, people tell me to turn the TC off sometimes, but I like to watch it for steals or items that I may want that I didn't think of. About the farming, you just don't have to worry about it. You get all of the "Uber 1337" items early and suddenly the game is no longer a challenge. I like it to be a challenge, and I like to have to swear at it sometimes. The beauty of instanced maps: you don't have to deal with them out in the wilderness killing everything you want to kill.

Now what I do want:
/spam <name>: certain percentage of the people in the area use it, and suddenly they get muted for x amount of time (maybe aggregating for multiple offenses)
/bot <name>: Certain number of people enter the name, and they go review the person's account. (May be infeasible, which would suck)
/muteurl <url>: Get a large number of people to enter this, and suddenly the url goes *poof*. Nobody sees it, which makes advertising it a problem for the advertiser. Of course, this would need some refinements...there is the problem of people adding the dreaded extra space or undefined character in it (www., \/\/,com, etc.) like people do with obscenities in censored chats.

Yell at me all you like.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

New Zealand

The Obsidian Kings


I don't beleive hacks can come, as this is game is completly based online, and so the directory files are stored in overseas servers. It'd take a good hacking geniusu to hack them.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Seattle, WA, USA [PST | GMT -8]

Ready and Willing [RAWR]

Originally Posted by βlitzkrieg
I don't beleive hacks can come, as this is game is completly based online, and so the directory files are stored in overseas servers. It'd take a good hacking geniusu to hack them.
People almost always find a way to hack, and if not technically hack, then find ways to exploit bugs.

Rotgut The Unholy

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Moderator/GM is a terrible idea. Nothing like being constantly paranoid that you wont be able to play your game you paid for because Mr. Anal Retentive uses it as a greifing method.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I wonder if you can tell me of any Triple A titles who use volunteer moderators. I'm really curious, because from what I've noted, most companies are going away from volunteers completely.

The rights of moderation are very powerful, and I would be hesitant to turn that over to volunteers. After all, you see a scandal every few months whether on charges of, let's see, irresponsibility, favourtism, maliciousness, extortion, bribe-taking, spite, cheating, hacking, misjudgment, or just plain meanness.

That's not to say that even 1% of volunteers have ever misbehaved. But when there are some classic examples of it with which gamers are quite familiar, it does tend to make team leaders like myself very hesitant to even consider such a possibility.

I'd like to learn more, though, if some of you have knowledge of the subject.

I was an advisor in Anarchy Online. They still have a very succesful player based volunteer system. I was also a newbie helper in Ultima Online, but they scrapped us over some person taking UO to court.

If done right it can work, AO is an example of this.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

England, UK

Call of Destiny [call]

Originally Posted by Cordub
This one is simple, DONT PLAY. The questing area is your own map and you dont have to have the channels up. The only time is in town, and people are rude even in the real world. If you would get out some time and stop playing all those games and then try rubbin them in your faces like your some kind of MMO god. You dont like the players Leave you mentioned tons of other games you have played go there. I thought we left all the Whinners in WoW Eq2 guess not. So my adv to you dont like the channels quit the channels or leave the game. If you cant learn to ignore a few lines of text that pop up once in awhile. Then you have bigger problems then some spaming racial or hateful things in chat. GET A LIFE and learn what real people are like, and stop being a Damn baby
I don't mind cursing..but when you're trying to have a conversation when some moron starts saying:

(Censored for the forum) "I --- ----ed ur mum!" then someone else starts, then someone else, and so's a little offputting, and kids do play this game.

(This actually happened yesterday, and there were about 8 people in Lion's Arch spamming things like that...)

There are a lot of idiots playing this game, it makes me dread finishing pve sessions or missions, and returning to an outpost. (You can block the channels, but you cant block party or trade offers...a new tactic people seem to be using to annoy me now.)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I wonder if you can tell me of any Triple A titles who use volunteer moderators. I'm really curious, because from what I've noted, most companies are going away from volunteers completely.
There is a very simple reason why the companies are very reluctant to employ volunteers: UO Volunteers sue Origin

As you mentioned, there isn't only the possibility of silly lawsuits. But there is also the fact that you are placing the reputation of the company in the hands of individuals who are not bound to you by a regular employment contract.

It is A Net's responsibility to have the appropriate staff in-game to make sure that they can help players who have problems and that the CoC is respected.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2005

No Idea

This is the internet, cussing and craptalk should be considered a filter between those who are sensible enough to realize how they should deal with a game, and those who just take things like their getting threatened in real life.

Just think of the internet as a place where people reveal their inner jackass.