Okay, I a friend of mine (Big ego... thinks he's a pro GW player. Sure, he's quite accomplished, yet he still has much to learn), said that the most you could have per account is 100k (or plat).
I told him I didn't think this was right, but I want to know the facts.
So, is it true?
100k max? Surely not!
per CHARACTER its 100k.
per ACCOUNT its 1400k (1000k storage, 4 characters)
per ACCOUNT its 1400k (1000k storage, 4 characters)
however if you don't mind taking a bit of a loss, you can have way more than 1400 if you invest in something, such as filling all of you storage slots with 250 deep piles of ecto
Hells Vengeance
Originally Posted by dargon
however if you don't mind taking a bit of a loss, you can have way more than 1400 if you invest in something, such as filling all of you storage slots with 250 deep piles of ecto
gametime doesnt = skill or cash, for that matter nor does /rank.
There's plenty o rank 3 noobs running around in knights armor with +30 hp weapons mods.
There's plenty o rank 3 noobs running around in knights armor with +30 hp weapons mods.