Look what I did :D
Just went to Beacon's running people there, and a person was posting for a test droknars run. We decided on a dual runner thing, but he died and from there, well, the picture explains it all.
you ran to camp rankor...and then what?
i see a big cleared out part of a map...so?
( can you please say what the picture has to explain )?
i see a big cleared out part of a map...so?
( can you please say what the picture has to explain )?
agent of ascalon
He obviously made a droks forge run dur! Congrats man making a forge run
i can pull it off with a w/r though
i can pull it off with a w/r though
"Bang bang, he shot me down, bang bang, I hit the ground, bang bang..."
Seriously though, good job. I've never even set foot in Lornar's Pass.
Seriously though, good job. I've never even set foot in Lornar's Pass.
hehe yeah, made a droks run. Only my 3rd attempt too, first at level 10 (made it to Dreadnaughts) 2nd without Charge, and this one.
i made it on my 2nd attempt after the patch, but from then on never again. Hard as ****
That is the team Arenas near the Forge you didn't run to the Forge you won 10 consecutive victories in the competive arenas with a good team and that take to the Team Arenas next to the Droknor's Forge and then you ran up Snake Dance.congrats on the 10 consecs but not the run.
Murder In China
I believe you can't do that anymore. The King Dwarf's guard prevent you from leaving Team Arena.
Originally Posted by Murder In China
I believe you can't do that anymore. The King Dwarf's guard prevent you from leaving Team Arena.
Yes you can if you are PvE char. only PvP char. can't leave but PvE chars. can.How do you think you get in the TA?