unid items?
im wondering if people buy unid items for more than identified items, because i always identifeied my items and always getting crappy mods (barely even 2k). but i see people buying unid items for at lest 8k+, should i stop identify my items? and start selling them as unid?
This is a rough guide based in the US servers unidentified items guide
Hells Vengeance
Well, people who buy the UNID items are gambling. People who sell the UNID sell them the average price of what you get from ID the item. It depends on what kind of skin the item has. Storm Bows, Eternal Bows, and Fellblades all sell well if they are Gold UNID. If it isn't any of those I say don't bother and just ID.
i love buying unid'd items from korean farmers. a guildie of mine got a req 9 15>50 feathered longbow for 4k the other night. during the axe grip craze, i bought 4 axes, and got 3 enchanting grips. fun stuff
It's simple...you sell an unidentified item if you want a "safe" price for an item.
You buy an unidentified item if you want either next to nothing for it or 100K+. It's a gamble, and I believe in the end it probably works itself out to where the gold you get in either scenario is about the same amount.
You buy an unidentified item if you want either next to nothing for it or 100K+. It's a gamble, and I believe in the end it probably works itself out to where the gold you get in either scenario is about the same amount.
oh, so when you identify an item its random what mods you get?
kimo the healer
I sell unid gold items from fow all the time.
My average price per item is around 3-5k.
The only way i would id these items is, if i needed it for myself.
Otherwise, sell it as unid.
It's easier to sell.
My average price per item is around 3-5k.
The only way i would id these items is, if i needed it for myself.
Otherwise, sell it as unid.
It's easier to sell.
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
i love buying unid'd items from korean farmers. a guildie of mine got a req 9 15>50 feathered longbow for 4k the other night. during the axe grip craze, i bought 4 axes, and got 3 enchanting grips. fun stuff
Although i'd like to know why they offer em to you for 4k? Maybe my char has NOOB written across his forehead..Hmmm.. i'll check tonight
Sereng Amaranth
equip the weapon...do you have more health? more energy?
test it on gargoyles...are you doing 15% more damage?
test it on gargoyles...are you doing 15% more damage?
Originally Posted by kc99
LOL, These guys crack me up! One of things i love doing is wandering over to the international district ascalon and just stand there as they throw the trade window at you with 7 items in it then ask 1234567? you buy? The prices they quote are unreal! unid items for 25-30k anyone? NOT LIKELY! But it passes the time as you wait for your guildies to turn up.
Originally Posted by kc99
Although i'd like to know why they offer em to you for 4k? Maybe my char has NOOB written across his forehead..Hmmm.. i'll check tonight
Originally Posted by phosho
oh, so when you identify an item its random what mods you get?
Caution to all those unid'd buyers... you will most likely NOT get a +30 health mod as these mods are easily identifiable without ID'ing the weapon.