Why 15k Necrotics is better than 15k Tormentors...
Q: OMGWTFBBQSAUCE!!! How did you do it?
A: Go to Competition Arenas, then do a /Sit emote in the water. Wait for the water to rise up a little and you'll know why 15k Necrotics costs almost 100k.
I think I'm blind because I don't see anything.
err... huh?
yeah what am i looking at exactly?
Nawn Centz
I haven't seen 15 necrotics often but, is it because it shows cleavage?
I see a penis-like protrusion coming from betwixt her legs... perhaps this guy is trying to tell us he likes chix-with-dicks?
Ranger Li
One phrase
Raise the Maturity level please.
Raise the Maturity level please.
Nawn Centz
Originally Posted by Ranger Li
One phrase
Raise the Maturity level please. For the fact we have no idea what it is and well, what treager said is very noticable in the pic. I find it 100% neccessary, not immature.
Raise the Maturity level please. For the fact we have no idea what it is and well, what treager said is very noticable in the pic. I find it 100% neccessary, not immature.
I'm not sure what the OP is referring to, but I don't like where this thread is headed... If virtual cleavage suits your fancy, that's your choice. But the only direction I see this thread going is towards talk of stuff best left undiscussed.