This is a request from a player that is not a noob. I have been playing since the first of September (yes, I know..not a beta veteran), however, I am playing my third character through the pve section now; The other two character have completed the storyline and cleared out the vast majority of the map. So, I have been around for a little while (now that I am so obviously over-established). I have been recently farming with my Elementalist solo, however, I notice that the loot will start out ok, then, as the in-game tip suggest, get worse and worse. My problem is this, the loot does not just get worse where I'm farming, but every where for that one character. Has anyone noticed this? Or is this just my provocative mind conspiring?
My second long winded question is this....I am looking for a good place to farm huge jawbones, any suggestions?
If there is any other solo ele farmers please feel free to suggest your builds, this is mine. Right now Im running basically an "old" SF echo nuker. I have a
superior rune of vigor, with a major fire and energy storage rune on. My skill bar goes as such:
Aura of restoration
Arcane Echo
Fire ball
Incendiary bonds
Meteor Strike
Mark of Rodgart
Glyph of Energy [elite]
Armor of Earth/kinetic armor
When I farm with my Monk buddy I farm exchanging AoR with Fire attunement for energy management. I simply start off with AoR/Fire attunement, then echo, I engage to get the enemy coming toward me and start MS. My spell MS is then echoed, I put up armor for tanking, I use Glyph of Energy (getting rid of exhaustion) and throw another MS. Then I spam fireball and IB until my Glyph recharges. Then I lay the Mark of Rodgart on the stubborn enemy/toughest nut.
If anyone else loves playing the Ele no matter the secondary please, share your build and farming spot if you want. Right now my character has all but about 10 skills for Ele, most blood magic for Nec, and a good portion of Inspiration skills Mesmer. However, the builds I have been playing/farming with lately are total Elementalist!
Farming........ok, lets forget what we knew.
Originally Posted by sphere830
I notice that the loot will start out ok, then, as the in-game tip suggest, get worse and worse. My problem is this, the loot does not just get worse where I'm farming, but every where for that one character. Has anyone noticed this? Or is this just my provocative mind conspiring?
! |
also you should rotate your crops before you get that warning or at least heed the first one.
clear out the whole zone the next trip and then go someplace else for a while (couple hours) and leave when you get the first warning on the new zone.
ideally you should have rotated way before even the first warning
Hey, I appreciate the tip, any and all are welcome. I have been so into the pve and playing the game with different characters, Im just coming into really trying to farm. Im also just coming to realize the whole value of collectors weapons...perfect, clean, dyeable, moddable, and available. Ill probably never buy another weapon. hehe
Thanks for the build info! I'm very ... probably too paranoid. The following are my superstitions. I've been playing since retail release and I believe in spooks!
Never go into the same area twice. Avoid any behavior that would suggest to a computer algorithm that you are a bot. After a farming run, I often go help out with a mission or quest (sometimes a good drop doing that!) or do a bit of PvP. Do not stay online for excessively long periods of time, without logging for a bit.
On the two occasions when drops went to nearly zero for me and stayed that way for a long time, there was no warning message, and it applied to all three of my characters as far as I could tell.
Never go into the same area twice. Avoid any behavior that would suggest to a computer algorithm that you are a bot. After a farming run, I often go help out with a mission or quest (sometimes a good drop doing that!) or do a bit of PvP. Do not stay online for excessively long periods of time, without logging for a bit.
On the two occasions when drops went to nearly zero for me and stayed that way for a long time, there was no warning message, and it applied to all three of my characters as far as I could tell.
I've never gotten any message or any lowered drops and I farm the same spot every 3-5 minutes for about an hour and a half. Maybe it's because I farm in a mission?
yes find more then one area to farm, and different animals. I circulate from forest minatours and Hydras till one restocks i switch. Just like crop circling
"forget what we knew"? There are several farming location threads out there and many farming build threads. Just search for "farming" or "farming build". Closed.