I'm a twentieth level Elementalist, specializing in fire and air spells. I'm trying to take a party of henchmen through the Thirsty River mission.
We aren't doing worth a darn, even with the first team of enemies! My elementalist seems to always be low on energy and can't cast. I feel totally not in control of things.
I'm obviously doing something(s) very wrong.
Your advice is appreciated.
Losing The Fight In Thirsty River
Caelus The Fallen
My advice would be to pick either Air or Fire, not both, and invest in Energy Storage. Spread yourself too thinly, and you will find you do very little to enemies.
Olfin Bedwere
I tried numerous time with my 20W/Mo and henchmen and couldn`t do it. You will probably need to party up but you`ll have trouble doing that because your level 12. After you take out a few of the first guys, you have to kill the priest that rezzes or you`ll never survive.
Use Malestrom on them it tires them out and get with a group.The henchie warriors are uselass against the Enchanted Swordman and bow as they use cuncussion shot.
Mister Overhill
Lots of good threads on Thirsty River. Try a search, and best of luck. It is definitely doable with henchmen, but some combinations work a lot better than others. My r/mos took it well enough, but my n/me could not.
Search for "Thirsty River". There are several good threads on the matter already. Closed.