15k armor bug?
trying to buy the rogues attire at marhans grotto and i have 20 elonian leather squares yet the armor shows red (and only required 15 anyway) anyone know of a bug where certain items arent registering for this armor?
Slade xTekno
Do you have the gold?
Do you have the gold? |
lol, touche
yes i have the gold... over 40 plat
specifically it still tells me i need more elonian leather when i have plenty in inventory
specifically it still tells me i need more elonian leather when i have plenty in inventory
i heard some of the crafting material is bugged so you may have to wait till they fix it
Where Is That Crafter! ive never been to marhan grotto, right now im at mines, is that close?
Ashleigh McMahon
Armor can actually cost 15k?
I thought it was 1.5k.
Please, give more information on this
Regards, Ashleigh.
I thought it was 1.5k.
Please, give more information on this

Regards, Ashleigh.
Make sure that the components required are actually in your inventory and not in your storage?
Master Elyas
ooo! b4 u do anything, read the topic about the difference between 1.5k armors and 15k armors... i dont want u to get scammed... :P
yes i have even tried trading the material to friends/ putting it in and out of storage/ all sorts of stuff