Story of X-Mas, as told by Jakob the Storyteller in Ascalon City.
So, maybe we'll see another battle between Grenth and Dwayna as well this year. Sorry if it looks crappy, my photo editing skills are ... bad, to say the least.
The last 2 bits are told by a little girl next to the storyteller.
Hm hm...note to all Monks. Do NOT open anything you recieve from a Necromancer or Hydromancer XP
Retribution X
i am SO gonna open all the gifts i get...
Noooo it's Gwen's cousin! (katie)
Thanks SirJack. Seeing that I'm stuck without GW access until Jan 3, I appreciate the time and effort on your and others parts to bring GW Wintersday to us
Thanks SirJack. Seeing that I'm stuck without GW access until Jan 3, I appreciate the time and effort on your and others parts to bring GW Wintersday to us
Some other messages I found.
Both old men are found in LA.
I'm thinking the new Winter monsters are going to be the "Grentches" mentioned here and there. Either flying or walking
Both old men are found in LA.
I'm thinking the new Winter monsters are going to be the "Grentches" mentioned here and there. Either flying or walking

Why, everyone knows "Grentches" are green, their hearts are two sizes too small, and they live just north of Whoville.
They won't fly, they'll use their Warthog to pull a giant sleigh.
They won't fly, they'll use their Warthog to pull a giant sleigh.

I think there's another fisherman near the coast in LA that talks alittle about the history of those Grentches
Check out the snowman Quest! You get to battle Grentches and Humbugs!
Oh so fun to force some Holiday Cheer down somethings Throat!
Oh so fun to force some Holiday Cheer down somethings Throat!
lol ya its pretty sweet
Why can't we all just get along!!! DANG THOSE GRENTCHES! I spent hours collecting presents with nothing to show for it but a candycane hammer! BLASTED GRENTCHES!
I like the Dwayna story better. I guess it is because the story doesn't involve little green monsters blowing up presents and stealing... eww green... eww blowing up presents...