Hi there, i'm prolly sure theres a bunch of these posts out there, but is it possible to get the code to just make ya glow when u do emotes? If there is, i will buy it from you.
Pre Order Code
Victory Gaint
Aeris Gainsboroughe
I think you just have to buy the collector's edition. Or is it that you had to have it reserved?... I forget but I know it is one of those lol. Sorry I wasn't of more help.
i wonder if its possible to get the glowing emotes when buying the collectors edition of chapter 2.... or if a collectors edition of chapter 2 even exists... I didn't know how fun GW was gonna be when i first bought it, had I known i would've totally pitched in for the Collectors edition.
Victory Gaint
yea....but that still dont answer my question....
The code is part of the collector's edition, not a pre-order code... and we don't do deals for real-world items here. Closed.