This guild has been created as of right now in hopes of making a fun and stable and group to play with. This guild is centered around PvE and is looking to make grouping during the story mode much more enjoyable. The Crimson Brotherhood is for those casual gamers out there that prefer the company of competant humans over that of the unrefined and lifeless henchmen. Capes have not been adopted yet and will be chosen when and if enough players join the guild and decide on one. A forums may be in the works if enough respond.
My main handle is Devious Vixen, an Elementalist / Monk, level 12. I am currently in completing the Borlis Pass missions.
Again, this is a guild for those that:
-love to game
-are intelligent
-are mature
-are casual but commited
We will not rush through the game and ruin the absolute splender and beauty of such a fine Role-playing game. Roleplayers are encouraged to join as the guild channel will be as commited to roleplaying as possible, although circumstances will call for deviations now and then. If enough respond, I will host a guild ventrilo or teamspeak.
Members are encouraged to assist new players so that the overall competancy and intelligence of the playing community will grow, the playing community may even grow in number as a result. So, either private message me here or contact me in game with a whisper to Devious Vixen.
Crimson Brotherhood [CB]