Whats with people?
Why is it now, when u try to find a group someone always either trys to tell u what skills to bring and use or throws a FIT if u ask a question? I just dont get it. This game is supposed to be for fun. I'm playing a monk necro. If someone dies for whatever reason, they will start yelling cuss words, and god knows what else. ITS A DAMN GAME. People really need to learn to calm down and have fun. Also can anyone tell me how the word Noob become so popular? First of all its not even a real word. But its become almost a cuss word. Just wondered if anyone had any thought about this. Maybe guild wars needs to have angry mangement classes.....
Players don't understand what certain classes are capable of sometimes. Others, think they know everything. Expect to encounter the ignorant time and time again.
Ive been saying the same thing for months. People in Tombs, FOW,UW and now Mineral Springs, take this game waaaaayyyy to serious. They have forgotten its a game, and have made it almost a life or death situation. As far as PUGS telling you what skills to bring, sometimes that is to compliment another persons skills... I mean you dont want two death necros fighting over one corpse, or two monks both protecting and nobody healing. Sometimes, when Im in a good mood, Ill ask if anybody has a shocking weapon, and then Ill bring Thunderclap, just for kicks. If you listen to the suggestions you can sometimes learn a thing or two. And people always blame monks for their deaths. Other day I was doing Ice caves, and a necro aggro'ed a group of Mursaat, and we are not infused. We pulled back, he got slaughtered. Blamed the monks of course. Only naturally to blame others for your own mistakes. Dont take it personally. You will have bad groups and good. Normally I avoid people advertising... Expert(whatever), Rank(whatever), experienced, and "1.5 Million xp points lfg". None of that matters.
rugal nuker
people are so farked up these days...
Evil Hypnotist
Best thing to do is just ignore them, there are plenty of people who play GW just to have fun thankfully. If people go ape at me for not having a certain build then I just go find another group, if someone insults me I apologise to the rest of the team and leave immediately. No-one has the right to spoil your enjoyment of this game, its just a shame some people have a good go at trying to anyway
Hells Vengeance
Originally Posted by shywolf1981
...when u try to find a group someone always either trys to tell u what skills to bring and use...