MODS: If this idea is recycled please feel free to close topic.
This idea got a great response from the gaming community from and they told me to come here, that the “big men upstairs” check here most often for potential ideas.
This would be an idea for an upcoming GW patch or for the expansion.
I'll call the idea "Quick Build Swap". (QBS)
I doubt this is a new idea, but here’s my view on it.
Think of it this way. The quick weapon swaps you have now? (The F1-F4) Instead of just weapon swaps, make it so you switch
1. Weapon + Offhand
2. Armor (basically for 1 + 2 = the gear in "I" window...for rune purposes, etc)
3. Skills
4. Attribute Points
all in one shot (and not just weapon + offhand as it is now). This should be able to be done in TOWNS ONLY (otherwise it would simply be too powerful). This would help a lot I think in just keeping track of what to use when. I know times before when I would switch skills up, but forget to change attribute points, so my Balth's Aura and Symbol for smiting would be doing next to no damage. If this happens on a mission, you are rendered useless immediately. I personally play W/Mo right now so I have a tanking, running, and axe spike build. Many different builds and quite different skill sets. Charge! in a spike build? Don't think so.. not as my elite at least.
This would be great for PVE and PVP. I know PuG’s get impatient when they are waiting for you to change your build around. I was about to change my 16 death to curses/blood but my team entered before I was ready, and I had already swapped out my death skills. Therefore I automatically am pretty useless to my party because I can’t swap attribute points inside a mission.
Possible extension to this would be
5. Secondary Profession (and assigned 1-4 for that Pri/Sec combo). That way you could also put skills into your QBS that would be from your secondary as well and the QBS would automatically swap the actual secondary profession along with the skills from there.
Allow #5 only for the secondary path quests from the Desert that you completed, which also prevents you from having to travel back there every single time you want to swap out your secondary. Also a killer if you get a team but forget to do that and have to leave. Even momentarily absence and you are most likely excluded from that team (be it PvP or PvE).
This would so nice and convenient IMO.
Quick Build Swap (PvP or PvE)
Search: it's what's for dinner!
Hm, as I had thought. Seems to be quite popular. As long as it covers all the above points it will be a GREAT addition! (and make building your character much less tedious)
This isn't new, but I'm signing it anyway.
As a necro, it is becoming a major irritation to have to re-skill everything when I switch from a SS+SV UW build to a MM SF build.
What skills was I using? What were my attributes set at?
"Oh man, I have to go change secondaries, brb"
/signed, /signed and /signed.
As a necro, it is becoming a major irritation to have to re-skill everything when I switch from a SS+SV UW build to a MM SF build.
What skills was I using? What were my attributes set at?
"Oh man, I have to go change secondaries, brb"
/signed, /signed and /signed.