Bridge Bugs
Chev of Hardass
-if you trap a bridge and a foe runs under it, they set the trap and are damaged.
-if you Consume Corpse on a body that is under the bridge, you teleport to that location on the bridge.
-running across many bridges in GvG causes you to fall through and try to navigate across without the benefit of sight.
As I understand it, these bugs are caused by some sort of error on the z-axis. It is time to fix it. Observer mode is here, yay!!!!! No!!! drop the work on the bells and whistles and fix this game now!!!!!!
If you cannot fix the bugs with the bridges, it is time to remove them.
I have contacted customer support and they claimed that these things are working properly.
I think it is time to show them how much we, the people that pay their salaries, want this to work correctly.
-if you trap a bridge and a foe runs under it, they set the trap and are damaged.
-if you Consume Corpse on a body that is under the bridge, you teleport to that location on the bridge.
-running across many bridges in GvG causes you to fall through and try to navigate across without the benefit of sight.
As I understand it, these bugs are caused by some sort of error on the z-axis. It is time to fix it. Observer mode is here, yay!!!!! No!!! drop the work on the bells and whistles and fix this game now!!!!!!
If you cannot fix the bugs with the bridges, it is time to remove them.
I have contacted customer support and they claimed that these things are working properly.
I think it is time to show them how much we, the people that pay their salaries, want this to work correctly.
didn't you post this exact same message just a day or two ago. Yes it's a problem with how the game views the z-axis, but it's not something that is overly hard to deal with. Eventually it's get fixed but right now it's nothing more than a minor inconvienience, I'd rather they fixed the problems with henchmen sprinting off into the unknown randomly upon entering an area via a portal, etc.
Beyond that posting the same thread twice in as many days tends to be frowned upon.
Beyond that posting the same thread twice in as many days tends to be frowned upon.
Chev of Hardass
I posted this at the Guild-Hall a few days ago.
And if you would choose to read my post (instead of question my intelligence), you would read:
Go ahead, search for the word bridge in the titles of all of the threads in the game. No bug reports.
Thanks for your interest in my dealings........
Originally Posted by dargon
didn't you post this exact same message just a day or two ago. Yes it's a problem with how the game views the z-axis, but it's not something that is overly hard to deal with. Eventually it's get fixed but right now it's nothing more than a minor inconvienience, I'd rather they fixed the problems with henchmen sprinting off into the unknown randomly upon entering an area via a portal, etc.
Beyond that posting the same thread twice in as many days tends to be frowned upon. |
And if you would choose to read my post (instead of question my intelligence), you would read:
Originally Posted by Chev of Hardass
I have contacted customer support and they claimed that these things are working properly.
Thanks for your interest in my dealings........
Also, all forms of Resurection (except Rebirth) are bugged in regards to bridges.
If you try to resurect someone who died under a bridge, they resurect on TOP of the bridge.
If you try to resurect someone who died under a bridge, they resurect on TOP of the bridge.
Chev of Hardass
I got another reply from A.Net. Not to much surprise here. They seem to feel like everything is right and everything will be ok if they ignore me.
Well The problem here is I actually play this game, and have to deal with the oversights of A.Net. I feel like all the neato updates are really a twist to the knife in my back, as long as this issue gets no attention.
Does anyone else remember when wards acted the way Trapps do now? They fixed that already, so not everyone will remember. Notice how I say they fixed that. Why are the trapps and ressing allowed to go as they are? Good question.
Let us show A.Net that we agree on this. Use your voice, speak up here. Every reply and signature is vital to our, the players, chances of getting this part of the game brought up to the level that the current competition is.
Originally Posted by GM Mollusk
Hello xxxx,
Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team. We appreciate you sharing your concerns with us on this potential issue. We have determined that this issue is not a bug, and that the game is working as designed. Please feel free to share your suggestions or feedback about any matter on the fansite forums listed at The game developers frequently check fansite message boards to obtain feedback and suggestions players may have concerning these types of issues. Please contact us if you need further assistance. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team |
Does anyone else remember when wards acted the way Trapps do now? They fixed that already, so not everyone will remember. Notice how I say they fixed that. Why are the trapps and ressing allowed to go as they are? Good question.
Originally Posted by Chev's Reply to A.Net
I would like to express my concern about your decision. I frankly cannot believe that the bridges work as they were intended. I understand enough about coding to know that I am not qualified to tell you how to do your job, but I am good enough at your game to tell you that the way bridges work right now is a exploit that needs some attention. In this spirit of competition and fairness, a trapper needs to be out in the open where he can be reached by the battle. Part of being a trapper is using wits and foresight to properly place traps in locations that will most benefit the team. The way traps work now, that is not necessary. A trapper utilizes the exploitave way that bridges work to react with the greatest amount of foes available. All they need to do is sit on top of the bridge and magically be able to attack people under the bridge with traps.
If you were to tell me that the characters falling through the bridges, but being restricted to their location in the x y axis by where the bridge would be had they stayed on it, was intended, I would have to call you a liar. Some people claim that it is lagg, but I have experianced it enough times when I was experiancing no lagg to tell you that there is another set of circumstances that bring the situation into play. Consume corpse is supposed to teleport you to the body location, not a place similar to the body location. This can often put the play consuming corpse out of the battle for vital seconds and why? because you get teleported to a location different than what the skill description says. Perhaps, the skill should read "teleport somewhere, and gain xx health and xx energy." I have recently been notified that these things are triggered by ressurecting. If you res a body under a bridge, they come to life on top of the bridge. Should those skill descriptions be changed to read "Ressurect Target Ally Somewhere (depending if there is a brige or not)." I will not rest on this. I have ceated two posts at the Guild Wars Guru and the Guild-Hall fansites, as well as links to them on from my Guild Site. These posts have gotten replies and tons of reads. Your attitude about the situation is not secret, even if I think it is despicable. Bridge Bugs, let's fix them: Guild-Hall Guild Wars Guru I understand that coding is a very difficult thing to do. I know it takes talent and a high amount of intellegence. You have done a seemingly wonderful job with this game. However, whenever one of these situations is exploited, or is one of the headaches in battle, I have to feel like that part of the game was glossed over and we are left with the shaft. I pleade that you either removed the bridges or fix this problem with the z-axis. I will keep my posts current, everyone lurking the forums will know that there is a place to go and talk about frustration that this causes. It would seem from the replies that I have gotten, that everyone feels like there is no hope and A.Net does not care. There is a great sense of giving up within the fans. Well I will not give up hope. I will convince you that this needs attention. More attention than the observer mode. More attention than the holiday celebrations. This is an exploit within the game for trappers. Exploits need to be corrected. When Wards were acting infinately through the z-axs, they were fixed. It is time to do the same with traps. Thank you for your time, and you can expect to hear from me in the future. |
Originally Posted by Chev of Hardass
Use your voice, speak up here.
Originally Posted by Chev of Hardass
Thanks for your interest in my dealings........
I know this doesn't cause problem in my gameplay...but is not perfectly fixed yet.
I remember during beta days...this was very frequent problem.
Not anymore though..but it "still happens" time to time on bridges and stairs.
What I do when this happens is keep walk straight until I'm back on the bridge/stairs again.
But causes minor annoyance.
I'll try to save screenshots to prove it still happens, if needed.
I remember during beta days...this was very frequent problem.
Not anymore though..but it "still happens" time to time on bridges and stairs.
What I do when this happens is keep walk straight until I'm back on the bridge/stairs again.
But causes minor annoyance.
I'll try to save screenshots to prove it still happens, if needed.
I remembers outisde of ToA there are some bridges int he swamp area. And I couldn't walk ON the bridge, I could only walk through it O.o
But yes, bridges are really buggy in this game. They should look into them a little bit more closely.
But yes, bridges are really buggy in this game. They should look into them a little bit more closely.
Guardian of the Light
Fix the bug! Well I don't realy care but what the heck

Lord Iowerth
The OP is right: lots of strange z-axis stuff going on in the game ... even in PvE
For example, riverside province mission ... you know our white mantle friends on top of the watchtowers? If you're a Wammo you're probably thinking "yeah, can't attack those guys, where's our ele/ranger/necro/mesmer?" ... but do a little experiment: stand as close as you can to one of those tower rangers, target it, and attack with your sword/axe/hammer ...
... lo and behold, you're hitting them!
For example, riverside province mission ... you know our white mantle friends on top of the watchtowers? If you're a Wammo you're probably thinking "yeah, can't attack those guys, where's our ele/ranger/necro/mesmer?" ... but do a little experiment: stand as close as you can to one of those tower rangers, target it, and attack with your sword/axe/hammer ...
... lo and behold, you're hitting them!

Chev of Hardass
This just shows that A.Net has begun to recognize that there is a portion of the playing public that has issues with the way the bridges work.
They think they are going to close the support but we need to show them, that we will not stand by and let this game slip into completel chaos.
We all know that the game designers did not sit around and think......
-what if you could fall through bridges....that would be fun.......
-what if every time you used a spell near a bridge you had to guess where you ended up......
-what if you set a trap on a bridge and people under it could be sneakily damaged.......
Perhaps, they sat around trying to fix the z-axis problems that this game has and said............
-if we ignore it, the people that notice it will either abuse these things or they will give up hope of us fixing this.
People noticed that you could put two grips on one of the axes ingame. It got abused. People are abusing the z-axis things in the game right now....... will A.Net ever put some effort into fixing a core problem with this game?
Originally Posted by GM Moggie
Hello XXXX,
Thank you for contacting Guild Wars Support. We're happy to hear that you've posted your suggestions and feedback on the forums. Please keep in mind that, although the Guild Wars developers appreciate the ideas for improving the game that players share, not every suggestion will be implemented. In addition, while changes to the game may appear to happen overnight, there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes before a patch can be released. Even suggestions and feedback that ultimately affect the game will not be instantaneous. We thank you again for taking the time to post and let us know how you and other members of the Guild Wars community feel. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team |
We all know that the game designers did not sit around and think......
-what if you could fall through bridges....that would be fun.......
-what if every time you used a spell near a bridge you had to guess where you ended up......
-what if you set a trap on a bridge and people under it could be sneakily damaged.......
Perhaps, they sat around trying to fix the z-axis problems that this game has and said............
-if we ignore it, the people that notice it will either abuse these things or they will give up hope of us fixing this.
People noticed that you could put two grips on one of the axes ingame. It got abused. People are abusing the z-axis things in the game right now....... will A.Net ever put some effort into fixing a core problem with this game?
Everyone's got their own thing I guess. I can't stand having my pet disappear in a mission. Thought we'd have fun, brought 5 pet users in to fight Glint, none of us had pets by the time we got there. Don't mind the bridge thing as much, but I can see why it would be annoying.
Wow... I've always been afraid to waste my time reporting bugs to Anet due to worry that they wouldn't care to fix it. Anet's responses to you have confirmed my reason for hesitation. Reporting bugs takes time and energy away from playing the game. You're doing Anet a favor by helping them to improve their product. They should be doing more to fix this in my opinion. I understand your frustration, and I hope that Anet changes their position on this.
Dargon, as a fellow GW player you should be thanking Chev for being persistent. He's trying to help improve the game for all of us. Please stop trying to discourage productive behavior.
Dargon, as a fellow GW player you should be thanking Chev for being persistent. He's trying to help improve the game for all of us. Please stop trying to discourage productive behavior.
I'm loving those two automated responses...shows that people really care
Second, I'd like to say that these bugs are really, really annoying. One time during a GvG, we had a member of our team (a monk) stuck under a damn bridge, and we almost lost because of it.
The Z-axis is terminally bugged.

Second, I'd like to say that these bugs are really, really annoying. One time during a GvG, we had a member of our team (a monk) stuck under a damn bridge, and we almost lost because of it.
The Z-axis is terminally bugged.
Chev of Hardass
I almost want to say that they are trying to admit that there is something wrong.
It is funny how the responses have gone from "there is nothing wrong," to "though we currently have no estimated time frame on a fix."
Well, observer mode is out. We are all happy about that. Chapter 2 is coming out soon, and one of my guildies had this to say.........
I asked for sources and I get......
Here is the deal:
-I have gotten jack squat from support on this issue.
-Most of the forum responses either feel like this is a bug and needs to be fixed, or they feel like this is not a real issue with the way they play. I have not seen any replies stating that there is nothing wrong with the z-axis.
-It has been hashed out about why this is caused and what it "might" take to fix this.
-Chapter 2 seems like the ideal time to fix this stuff, but it would appear that support would prefer to ignore the problem.
Here is what we all need:
-Keep the player support coming, A.Net gets a big red mark every time a perspective player sees this thread and hesitates on buying this product. Keeping vocal about fixes that the game needs will help push them along.
-/bug when you see this, even in observer mode. Yes top 100 guilds use this, or get it used against them.
Untill there is a fix for the z-axis, I suggest that bridges be removed from the PvP. That is a very drastic step, but it would appear that this type of coding is currently not possible with A.Net's resources. They have overshot their ability and need to correct the mistake. Maps will change some, but the PvP could use some new stuff as it is.
Thanks to everyone here, let's keep up the good work, maybe the next response will read "We are working on the problem and expect that it will be fixed sometime."
Originally Posted by GM Moggie
Hello XXXX,
Thank you again for contacting Guild Wars Support. We're glad to hear that you continue to express your opinions on the forums, as this is the best way to communicate your ideas to the developers. However, rest assured that the developers are aware of the issues you've pointed out, though we currently have no estimated time frame on a fix. We encourage you to continue updating your forum posts. If and when changes are made to the game, these updates will be posted on the Game Updates page ( Keep in mind that continuing to submit support tickets has no impact on the changes the developers choose to make, or the time frame of updates. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team |
Well, observer mode is out. We are all happy about that. Chapter 2 is coming out soon, and one of my guildies had this to say.........
Originally Posted by Elendar
It has JUST been confirmed by Gaile that we WILL have the same problems.
Originally Posted by Elendar
Sources are overrated you dont need them....
But in all seriousness this bug better be fixed. |
-I have gotten jack squat from support on this issue.
-Most of the forum responses either feel like this is a bug and needs to be fixed, or they feel like this is not a real issue with the way they play. I have not seen any replies stating that there is nothing wrong with the z-axis.
-It has been hashed out about why this is caused and what it "might" take to fix this.
-Chapter 2 seems like the ideal time to fix this stuff, but it would appear that support would prefer to ignore the problem.
Here is what we all need:
-Keep the player support coming, A.Net gets a big red mark every time a perspective player sees this thread and hesitates on buying this product. Keeping vocal about fixes that the game needs will help push them along.
-/bug when you see this, even in observer mode. Yes top 100 guilds use this, or get it used against them.
Untill there is a fix for the z-axis, I suggest that bridges be removed from the PvP. That is a very drastic step, but it would appear that this type of coding is currently not possible with A.Net's resources. They have overshot their ability and need to correct the mistake. Maps will change some, but the PvP could use some new stuff as it is.
Thanks to everyone here, let's keep up the good work, maybe the next response will read "We are working on the problem and expect that it will be fixed sometime."
Ive had to redo missions ranging from Thunderhead Keep to The North Wall several times because i just suddenly FELL OFF the map and got stuck under bridges. -.-
Lord Of Losers
i believe this bridge bug is more then just annoying but a serious problem. in pvp, if trappers can just stay above a bridge and trap anything below them, it leaves them at a serious advantage especially on the melee fighters.
pve wise, ya its cool and all to magically run under the bridge like a troll but at times we sometimes get stuck and cant move out. this can be a serious issue if your in FoW and such and you dont want to pay another 1k and risk losing a good group because they dont want to start from the beginning or just dont want to pay another share of 125g.
in other words. every bug in the game, serious or not, should be fixed.
pve wise, ya its cool and all to magically run under the bridge like a troll but at times we sometimes get stuck and cant move out. this can be a serious issue if your in FoW and such and you dont want to pay another 1k and risk losing a good group because they dont want to start from the beginning or just dont want to pay another share of 125g.
in other words. every bug in the game, serious or not, should be fixed.
There are times where my Charaters walk through bridges... they just walk to go across, and suddenly their stuck in the underbridge netherworld of doom... It's gotten me killed at least once in PvE and almost killed me a couple more times in PvP... I thought it was some buggy lag, but it seems that if bridges are a problem for othter people i ought to do this:
Chev of Hardass
-Modified the Sacred Temples and Unholy Temples tournament maps so that players cannot pass relics across barriers.
This was one problems with the z-axis that A.Net decided to fix. If they want to improve the spirit of competition, they can continue to fix the z-axis within the game.
This was one problems with the z-axis that A.Net decided to fix. If they want to improve the spirit of competition, they can continue to fix the z-axis within the game.
If you are directly under a bridge and use rebirth, sometimes the ally you rebirthed appears on top of the bridge.