I have a lv 20 monk named Leung Gwar. If I were to delete this toon and save her armor in my storage and then make a new toon with the same name... could I use the armor again???
I want to play thru the game again.
New Character Name Question
I have tried this and my answer would be no. Armor crafted is for that character and that one alone.
bugger... ok. thanks for the quick reply.
You most definitely cannot.
The reason I say this is because I had a Pumpkin crown for my Ele, and deleted that toon and made a Warrior with exactly the same name, so I could hopefully utilise the Crown; unfortunately my new warrior was unable to use it.
The reason I say this is because I had a Pumpkin crown for my Ele, and deleted that toon and made a Warrior with exactly the same name, so I could hopefully utilise the Crown; unfortunately my new warrior was unable to use it.
No, even same class does not work. Or at least last I tried I couldnt keep my mesmer armor when I remade her early on for a different secondary.
The final answer is that your equipment is specially crafted for your characters. Look on the item and it says "Crafted for XXXXX". Thus the item cannot be worn by any other character.
Victory Gaint
this topic has been asked very many times before. Try using my friend the search button...maybe he can be your friend in the future too