The Sorrow's Furnace
Has anyone else gotten this quest? I spent an hour and a half going from Camp Rankor to the war camp and found a dwarf with a quest to give. He gives me a quest called "The Sorrow's Furnace" and I notice that it's worth 10,000 exp. I read then that I have to find and complete a mission for 5 dif ppl within the war camp. So I find the first guy, a dwarf named Killroy Stonekin. He leads me into a place and gives me his quest. He wants me to help him kill some boss and I didn't think anything of it at first. Then I noticed that everytime we would get close to a group of enemies he would scream "KIIIILLROOOY STOOOONEKIIIN" and charge into the enemies(Easter Egg Possibly?). Well after helping him go through a bunch of nameless enemies then he charges into a huge group and dies. Then everyone in my party dropped dead and it said I failed the mission. I clicked return to outpost and it sent me all the way back to camp rankor. (Almost 4 hours of work gone). Has anyone found or beaten this quest? If so, some pointeres would be appreciated.
Ack, ok i was taking a break from the game when they came out with the Sorrow's Furnace update, so didn't know about it. But some pointers would be nice.
Sereng Amaranth
You should search a little bit. There's plenty of threads about the Sorrow's Furnace quests. 
Also, look on your map. Deldrimor War Camp is still there. And yes, Kilroy Stonekin gives a nod to WoW.
start here

Also, look on your map. Deldrimor War Camp is still there. And yes, Kilroy Stonekin gives a nod to WoW.
start here
that sucks a big one... so close to war camp

Get Deldrimor War Camp, from there do the Sorrow Furnace quests.
From War Camp, go down left the first ramp, turn left at the bottom of the ramp, go ahead a bit and up to your left is Kilroy.
From War Camp, go down left the first ramp, turn left at the bottom of the ramp, go ahead a bit and up to your left is Kilroy.
Oh goddamnit....I stopped right in front of the Deldrimor War Camp but didn't go in b/c I thought it would just be another area full of enemies,not a town, and I didn't want to reset all the enemies I had alrdy killed in the area. Well thanks much, that helps alot.