Post Your Ranger xD - Part I
I prefer Drakscale, myself.
i think fow ranger boots/pants comboed with 15k druids vest and glovs would be hot
still need 3 more of funk's color for aelius :/\
still need 3 more of funk's color for aelius :/\
im working on it man, havent seen people selling black in town for a good price
Originally Posted by VGJustice
I prefer Drakscale, myself. no way drakeskale?? nooo
Mimi Miyagi
Dyed Blue+Silver+Silver, I believe.
Drakescale is really hard to figure out a dye combination that works though, with the brown base color.
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
im working on it man, havent seen people selling black in town for a good price
thanks a ton
thanks a ton
Sir Charr
My favorite ranger look. But I am also kind of biased! LOL
And I agree, Drakescale FTW!! what color dye is that?
mine =)
Night Daftshadow
this isnt my ranger but i thought her armor mix looked nice
ownage of teh elite
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
still need 3 more of funk's color for aelius :/\
Originally Posted by Meneldil
lol, i cant stand ranger FoW armor myself, i like 15k studded and 15k druids
I thought this too but I saw it in game and now im getting mine soon .
thanks FCT.... your ranger is male right?? that's what i was thinking it for. anyways, ranger fow is totally awesome
My new ranger girl. I just got her 15k and it was totally worth every penny. :P
I used black dye. BBoy_Manchild
Originally Posted by D'Arcangelo
I used black dye because I wanted to look different than most other rangers.
let me get this straight... you used black dye... to NOT look like most other rangers.... hmmmmm............. mission failed
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
let me get this straight... you used black dye... to NOT look like most other rangers.... hmmmmm............. mission failed
I really dont want to argue with you, after all I dont want to hurt any feelings. So I took the only plausible way to solve this problem and edited my post to include something different. There the problem solved. G'day mate Lambentviper
o great. Now BBoy will get all egotistical about how good he is that you dont even want to argue with him....
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
i think fow ranger boots/pants comboed with 15k druids vest and glovs would be hot
I don't like it, full fow is better: fow.JPG Meneldil
seems to me like most rangers have that mean angry face
Originally Posted by Mahanaxar
yeah, agreed
Hey, IceFire, about your equipment mixing idea: if you're just going for looks, and not stats, the collector's chest piece has a longer coat than the Druids one. Looks better, IMO.
where can you get the ranger collector's armor right after you head into Post-Searing?
DANG. I need to say, Stranger The Ranger + orange 15 drakescale = AWEFREAKINGSOME o.O
I'll post my ranger looks once ... I get to name him -.- If anyone has suggestion please feel free to drop me a line lol ._. FCtSteveO
AHHHHHH I WANT yeah im rdy to get my fissure but to awnser Ranger is female.
Does anyone know a Dye combo to get close to a Neon green or a light green. Ive tried so many dye combos and closest Ive gotten to was teal... {IceFire}
green+yellow on metal armors.
FCtSteveO Left: Full female ranger fissure. Middle: Female fissure ranger Gloves/Chest/Boots & 15k Druid Pants. Right: Female fissure ranger Gloves/Pants/Boots & 15k Druid Chest. I have now dyed my fissure black and no longer have my 15k armor. If picture s are wanted for Ranger fissure dyed black let me know. nunix
Femme rangers have some really great armor, of the non-skanky variety; it's a shame the devteam felt the need to add.. uh.. ragdoll physics, as it were? Embarassing. -.-
Anyone have a good picture of the dyeable areas of the male Druid vs 15k Druid chest? VGJustice
Originally Posted by Meneldil
where can you get the ranger collector's armor right after you head into Post-Searing?
Crystal Desert has max defense collector's armor. Can't remember the specific locations, but IIRC there's a collector right outside of Hero's Audience and West out of Augury Rock that have armor for trade.
[EDIT] And after I re-read that, I don't think I answered your question. There's a collector just past the dry river bed outside of Ascalon, there's one west of Sardalac, and there's 2 others that I can't remember their whereabouts. {IceFire}
dang, i want to see 15k male druids chest and gloves + fow pants and boots
[Edited to first post]
Personally, I can't stand that huge headband on guys (with the red feather). I wish they would take it off, because I like the hair underneath. They really need to fix the hair on rangers, some, for example, the default hair style (the first hair style option), with the braids has a hairline way too low in front. Also, it's kinda stupid since you can fix this bug so easily, when you shoot arrows, the hair goes through your head, and that just bugs the hell outta me!! dnvr fan1 going crazy TheLordOfBlah armor dyed white and green. Dunno why, thought it'd be interesting. Meneldil
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
dang, i want to see 15k male druids chest and gloves + fow pants and boots
Oops, I'm not on right now but maybe I'll post a sceenie of that tomorrow.
Anyways, having seen black used so much on many FoW Rangers in game, I've decided to really get to experimenting. My main set up used to be black boots, golves, pants, with a dark blue top. It was ok and I liked it, but I decided for a change. (No ss, sorry) So I experimented and came up with brown. It looked nice and ordinary. Next I came up with this ectoplasm green... o_O (top and gloves) But right now my current set up is this "Metal Gear Solid" gray, which I'll stay with for awhile, I guess. Juicey Shake
Wow! That last color looks very, very nice!
Originally Posted by Reks
Oops, I'm not on right now but maybe I'll post a sceenie of that tomorrow.
Anyways, having seen black used so much on many FoW Rangers in game, I've decided to really get to experimenting. My main set up used to be black boots, golves, pants, with a dark blue top. It was ok and I liked it, but I decided for a change. (No ss, sorry) So I experimented and came up with brown. It looked nice and ordinary. Next I came up with this ectoplasm green... o_O (top and gloves) But right now my current set up is this "Metal Gear Solid" gray, which I'll stay with for awhile, I guess. How did you get that green, ive tried so much to get something close to it but i decided to go black. complexiator
Me and my gf showing off.
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
Originally Posted by FCtSteveO
How did you get that green, ive tried so much to get something close to it but i decided to go black.
Well, having spent 15k on dyes just trying to recreate that color, I've given up for now. So sorry... -_______________-;;
tomcruisejr here's my ranger during the IDS fever. Droknar Forge Druids Set Dyed in Black Markaedw
Here she is in action and just hanging aroud.