i found snowball fun at first.... but after a few games it just got really boring.... i hate how slow the carrier moves.... u basicly waitting to die, and with normal pvp its actually possible to win with a few noobs on the team, but snowball 1 noob running off going "MMM snowcomb" and building a ice fort at who knows where is enough, carrier has no special defense.... moves as slow as hell.
and the profession r so imbalanced.... warrior gets "lets get them" (charge + adren increase) and mesmer gets some gay interrupt which blinds the foe as well.... but blind doesnt do shit.... coz the move snowball is a skill not an attack.... also with warriors that has runes of absorbtion is also more beneficial..... basicly what im saying is, warriors get more benefit than most other players
Do we need a more sporty PVP like the Snowball fight??
lastly i want to mention is how fast u get rezed.... killing people is basicly no use unless they're carring the presents or u just plainly want to get fractions (first kill only)
this way necros just keep sacrofising them selfs and then come right back.... the game is rigid i tell u, rigid ( i dont know how to spell rigid.... sorry ^_^' i hope thats right
this way necros just keep sacrofising them selfs and then come right back.... the game is rigid i tell u, rigid ( i dont know how to spell rigid.... sorry ^_^' i hope thats right
o o o, and also, with 1 on 1, its extremely unfair for monks, and people fighting monks.... the game will just take years depending on how 1337 the monk is.... warrior seems to have an upper hand but not all it seems, spiteful spirit + empathy.... etc etc (lots of anti-melee hex spells), warrior has no choice but to sit there and get hit... other wise the warrior is basicly killing him self. and it takes away the team work
a pro 1v1 might be very damn shit in 8v8, and vice versa
a pro 1v1 might be very damn shit in 8v8, and vice versa

Map: Great Ladyrinth
A map with crossing road and narrow path. Everyman for himself, up to 20 players. However there will be no radar or map!!
Goal: Find your way to the depth of ladyrinth. Speak with the avator of melandru, and claim your title as the warrior of earth.
And since I hope this is a more "sporty" pvp, maybe we can take the killing each other part out of it

player will only battle each other for the purpose of slowing them down, and with no radar this should feel like resident evil with out the violent.
Skill will have no dmg, but can slow people down for X sec. or knockdown. Trap and detrap will be the key to win. Move fast and watch your back.
.................................................. ..................................................
That is the rough idea
A none killing pvp that test players focuse and judgment.
I didnt put much though in reward...I believe everyone can find times to "not" earn some numbers every now and then.

Originally Posted by Inureface
Do you see how many sore losers there are even in the snowball arena??? I don't understand people sometimes........unless their team was retarded x_x