Jobs unbalanced?
Playful Kitty
Well ok here it goes.
Ive seen lvl 5-10 wars kill people on 2 seconds cause they can hit like 54s each time. Its not right. Ive built a necro/war monk/war Ele/mes War/monk. A war/monk can not be defeated. They have all this very advanced armor and a fiery sword guess its called a dragon sword? But they kill in 2 seconds and it isnt right. Thiis is with 1 war vs 1 more person or 1 war vs 4 people! (in old ascalon arena) Its impossible to kill them! then once you do kill them hello they get a raise! BS!!!!!!!!!!
Ive seen lvl 5-10 wars kill people on 2 seconds cause they can hit like 54s each time. Its not right. Ive built a necro/war monk/war Ele/mes War/monk. A war/monk can not be defeated. They have all this very advanced armor and a fiery sword guess its called a dragon sword? But they kill in 2 seconds and it isnt right. Thiis is with 1 war vs 1 more person or 1 war vs 4 people! (in old ascalon arena) Its impossible to kill them! then once you do kill them hello they get a raise! BS!!!!!!!!!!
The only way they'd have a dragon sword if they got it with another character, they are an exception, if you were to fight a warrior without one would it change anything?
Another poor victim of the Warrior/Monks. Blind them. Evade them. Weaken them. Slow them. Rend their enchantments. Prevent them resurrecting. They aren't godly, they're just solid classes. So is everythig else - You are probably playing Paper to their Scissors. Play Rock at them.
Fallen Rain
Get further in the game with your n/w and then try to answer your own question.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
...You are probably playing Paper to their Scissors. Play Rock at them.

The Fox

1.Try practicing more... (if they have dragon swords they probably have more experience than you)
2. Don't expect every class to be good at what you want them to be (example- don't expect a ranger to have massive damage (they get range) ... don't expect everything to tank, to do damage ect.
3. Realize that the game is very balanced, but balance doesn't mean every character is balanced. It means that there can be a counter build for every build, but that doesn't mean your build will be able to handle everything else.
4. Consider that fact that your some classes have access to sometimes more useful skills earlier in the game. This would also put you at a disadvantage.

lol That visual of a guy with a rock over a warrior! hahaha... struck me as funny too!
First off, try to speak proper english. Secondly, because you have no skill doesn't make them not right! You said you rolled a WaMo and you still couldn't beat them??? I can take dow a twinked WaMo in the newb arena with my MoMe before he even gets close to me.
You really have to stop complaining and learn to use the tools you have to overcome others. If you're concerned with 1v1 WaMo vs Other. Well a Necro, Ele, or WaEl would beat a skilled WaMo in a 1v1. I know, I do it all the time in the upper arenas.
But, since this is a group battle game 1v1 isn't the focus here. Skill and team tactics are. Learn them, love them, use them, and stop complaining because you don't have them.
You really have to stop complaining and learn to use the tools you have to overcome others. If you're concerned with 1v1 WaMo vs Other. Well a Necro, Ele, or WaEl would beat a skilled WaMo in a 1v1. I know, I do it all the time in the upper arenas.
But, since this is a group battle game 1v1 isn't the focus here. Skill and team tactics are. Learn them, love them, use them, and stop complaining because you don't have them.
Soul Monarch
Funny, I don't have much trouble against WaMos.
And 54 damage per swing, huh? Are you in low-level caster gear or something? Because I know they do alot of damage, but that's pushing it. (Unless they already had a bunch of adrenaline built up from killing the rest of your party or something.)
And 54 damage per swing, huh? Are you in low-level caster gear or something? Because I know they do alot of damage, but that's pushing it. (Unless they already had a bunch of adrenaline built up from killing the rest of your party or something.)
Heh, Monarch. You crack me up. 
And I don't know how your taking so much damage. I'm using a 8-20 axe right now and I end up doing most of the time 30 on a crit hit. Other then that, its more like 10 here, 15 there, hardly enough to kill quickly.
Only way I ever do damage is with my skills really.
Maybe those elemental weapons have armor pircing of some type? I see damage types on weapons but never really thought about how my armor actually stops fire, water, etc, etc, damage from hitting me like physical.
And I don't know how your taking so much damage. I'm using a 8-20 axe right now and I end up doing most of the time 30 on a crit hit. Other then that, its more like 10 here, 15 there, hardly enough to kill quickly.
Only way I ever do damage is with my skills really.
Maybe those elemental weapons have armor pircing of some type? I see damage types on weapons but never really thought about how my armor actually stops fire, water, etc, etc, damage from hitting me like physical.
Hmmm. I wonder how an all strength warrior would fare. He would get torn appart like freaking paper of course, but if you had an armor piercing part *anything of sundering* and a ton os str, would be interesting to see the damage they could do.
The game is unbalanced right now. But that's mainly because of the community. Really. Why?
Because in the rock/paper/scissors game there's a distinct lack of paper. The paper being the Mesmer class. Mesmers are rare. Very rare. You see Secondary Mesmers who have Inspiration, or sometimes some Illusion memsers with DoT skills...
But there's just not that many primary Domination mesmers floating out there. Maybe less than 2% of the gaming population. And if it's that much I'll be shocked. And a Domination Mesmer, in a team, is the solution to the Paladin problem. Shatter Enchantment, Backfire, Empathy, Energy Burn and Shatter Delusions to spike them out. (I can deal about 125 damage within 1.5 seconds..not all the time but it'll empty their bar fairly fast).
A focused Mesmer hex treatment can completly throw off the math. So try it already.
Actually, maybe part of the problem is that there's very few Ascended RPG characters yet, so most of the high level PVP is pre-rolled characters, and there's no Domination mesmer in there....
Because in the rock/paper/scissors game there's a distinct lack of paper. The paper being the Mesmer class. Mesmers are rare. Very rare. You see Secondary Mesmers who have Inspiration, or sometimes some Illusion memsers with DoT skills...
But there's just not that many primary Domination mesmers floating out there. Maybe less than 2% of the gaming population. And if it's that much I'll be shocked. And a Domination Mesmer, in a team, is the solution to the Paladin problem. Shatter Enchantment, Backfire, Empathy, Energy Burn and Shatter Delusions to spike them out. (I can deal about 125 damage within 1.5 seconds..not all the time but it'll empty their bar fairly fast).
A focused Mesmer hex treatment can completly throw off the math. So try it already.
Actually, maybe part of the problem is that there's very few Ascended RPG characters yet, so most of the high level PVP is pre-rolled characters, and there's no Domination mesmer in there....
Originally Posted by Playful Kitty
Well ok here it goes.
Ive seen lvl 5-10 wars kill people on 2 seconds They have all this very advanced armor and a fiery sword guess its called a dragon sword? |
1) A member of a guild or a player with a friend that that has been given items that are NOT intended for low level characters and they probably can't win without them so it makes them feel better.
2) Someone that has a High level character and gets off on beating up on low level characters with high level gear doned on a lower level character.
Either way you shouldn't be facing that in sub Lvl 10 arenas.
Originally Posted by Karmakin
Actually, maybe part of the problem is that there's very few Ascended RPG characters yet, so most of the high level PVP is pre-rolled characters, and there's no Domination mesmer in there....
OP stated lvl 5-10... go check what skills you have at that point in the game.
I'd say quest skills up to Yak's Bend, tops.
5-10? They'd have Empathy+Backfire+Shatter Delusions at least. You get those in Old Ascalon. Energy Burn you get in a quest in Post-Sear Ascalon.
My apologies though. I'm responding to a much larger group of people, all the people who think that W/Mo is a problem at any level. And it is, but mainly because of the lack of class diversity.
My apologies though. I'm responding to a much larger group of people, all the people who think that W/Mo is a problem at any level. And it is, but mainly because of the lack of class diversity.
Theres probably a very good answer to this... but im afraid I need to refrain from using it because you would not like what it is. 
Search for Necro threads on the board, if you can not defeat a warrior/monk you are alone with that.

Search for Necro threads on the board, if you can not defeat a warrior/monk you are alone with that.
Originally Posted by Karmakin
Actually, maybe part of the problem is that there's very few Ascended RPG characters yet, so most of the high level PVP is pre-rolled characters, and there's no Domination mesmer in there....

Originally Posted by ChristopherKee
First off, try to speak proper english. Secondly, because you have no skill doesn't make them not right!
I mean, I'm having a jolly good laugh at your grammar, sir.
My main problem with the preponderance of warrior/monks (along with the resurrection signets) is the constant resurrections that occur during PvP matches. It's almost like dying itself has no significance, and dying really means dying until your death penalty makes your character nothing more than a walking corpse in terms of fighting ability. I think the ability to resurrect should be tied to the monk primary attribute and resurrection signets should be restricted from PvP. Sometimes the pick-up matches seem more like resurrection lotteries than tactical confrontations to me.
Like someone said, it all depends how you play your character. My ranger's 'advantage', if you will, as it's built is to take out casters extremely quickly. I ignore warriors and let the rest of my group deal with them and I take out casters. I have huge range, AE attacks, I can use my warrior abilities to shoot arrows faster, my pet can engage the caster and annoy the crap out of them.
In other words, every classes/combination has a number of strengths and a number of weaknesses. It's a tradeoff. If I sat with my bow toe to toe with a warrior, I'd get slaughtered. That's my weakness. I KNOW that's my weakness, so I take a skill or two to keep warriors away from me (pin, etc) so that I can keep my distance. Distance, for the ranger, is a key word. You need it to survive.
So, like everyone else said, Warrior/Monk is a nice combo, but in no way is it a godly combo, it's just an easy combo to play. (Run forward, hit hard, heal yourself.) People are already creating counter classes specifically for them and they will become pretty useless soon, IMO, because everyone is now concentrating on countering them specifically.
- Takr
In other words, every classes/combination has a number of strengths and a number of weaknesses. It's a tradeoff. If I sat with my bow toe to toe with a warrior, I'd get slaughtered. That's my weakness. I KNOW that's my weakness, so I take a skill or two to keep warriors away from me (pin, etc) so that I can keep my distance. Distance, for the ranger, is a key word. You need it to survive.
So, like everyone else said, Warrior/Monk is a nice combo, but in no way is it a godly combo, it's just an easy combo to play. (Run forward, hit hard, heal yourself.) People are already creating counter classes specifically for them and they will become pretty useless soon, IMO, because everyone is now concentrating on countering them specifically.
- Takr
If warriors are left to do their thing unmolested, they easily outdamage any other class in the game. But they're the easiest class in the world to shutdown, and the one with the fewest options for dealing with it. They can't catch a ranger unless the ranger lets them (hard to catch someone when you're crippled). They can't damage an elementalist or mesmer unless they let them (hard to hit anything when you're blind, missing when you're not, slowed, and taking damage with each attack). They can't damage a monk unless the monk let's them (can't attack at all when you're pacified).
Lately in PvE, my W/Mo has been a virtual magnet for Spirit Shackles/Mind Wrack or Blindness. Lucky for me, in PvP most players aren't half as intelligent as mergoyles or skeleton sorcerers.
Lately in PvE, my W/Mo has been a virtual magnet for Spirit Shackles/Mind Wrack or Blindness. Lucky for me, in PvP most players aren't half as intelligent as mergoyles or skeleton sorcerers.

I'd never imply that playing a warrior well is easy, or that it is an "easy" class, but it is a class that is easier to play at an effective level, so very quickly it is viewed as powerful. Couple this with easy monk enchantment based healing and you have a recipe for a class that will be common. It's not easy to play any class in a skilled environment, but if your life depended on winning a battle in GW arena and you had only 5 minutes to learn the game I'd hand you a warrior/monk, as it's the one that you will have the most success with since it plays well out of the box. I imagine it's a nightmare to play a warrior well in an environment that is more advanced, but versus guys who try to tank them with a flare-spamming elementalist they'll laugh and eat your heart.
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
If warriors are left to do their thing unmolested, they easily outdamage any other class in the game. But they're the easiest class in the world to shutdown, and the one with the fewest options for dealing with it. They can't catch a ranger unless the ranger lets them (hard to catch someone when you're crippled). They can't damage an elementalist or mesmer unless they let them (hard to hit anything when you're blind, missing when you're not, slowed, and taking damage with each attack). They can't damage a monk unless the monk let's them (can't attack at all when you're pacified).
Lately in PvE, my W/Mo has been a virtual magnet for Spirit Shackles/Mind Wrack or Blindness. Lucky for me, in PvP most players aren't half as intelligent as mergoyles or skeleton sorcerers. ![]() |
My W/ME has no problem with W/MO. I use backfire and they die. Very simple.
Learn new strategies. The classes are perfectly balanced. The way NC is if you cry about your lack of skill they will nerf the class into submission...and we DON'T WANT THAT.
Learn new strategies. The classes are perfectly balanced. The way NC is if you cry about your lack of skill they will nerf the class into submission...and we DON'T WANT THAT.
Originally Posted by Soul Monarch
And 54 damage per swing, huh?
Care Less
here is the deal , people who fear w/mo's are mostly not very experienced
if you have played any mmo before GW you know im right
New players fear them and die , experienced players laugh and move on
sure there are some scary w/anything builds ..but the W is never impossible (mostly not even hard) to kill , and thats comming from a gimpy mo/w
and like a thousand times before..
GW is about TEAM balance , if you are fighting a class that you cant handle without any help from your team .. then your team just sucks :P
if you have played any mmo before GW you know im right
New players fear them and die , experienced players laugh and move on
sure there are some scary w/anything builds ..but the W is never impossible (mostly not even hard) to kill , and thats comming from a gimpy mo/w
and like a thousand times before..
GW is about TEAM balance , if you are fighting a class that you cant handle without any help from your team .. then your team just sucks :P
Lots of people here say for every build there is a counter build. But in the early arenas (I can't speak for anything above level 15 at the moment) in most cases the team with the most warriors wins especially if there is a monk on that team. In those arenas a team with 1 monk and 3 warriors in very hard to beat especially if your team has no warriors and no healer (which happens to me all the time). It does get very frustrating and I play a mes / neco.
Yes Warrior/Monks are Durable but they are not as tough as you think my warrior (warrior/Ele) took care of them quite easily. I can see why people would compalin about them. Also reguarding the only if the Elementalist or mesmer lets them is not true al la warrior has to do is ure sprint combinations and they cant out run them. A good warrior shutdown (well not really a shutdown i guess somethingthat would cause a warrior to slow down) is the Mesmer skill Empathy this puppy can be pretty mean. My armor wasnt higher than any higher than the 50 AL ring mail sold in AC but i did have a good sword.
Please bring on the War/Monks. I would love nothing better than to face parties of 4 wa/mo. Because they would never stand a chance!
Every party member has his tactics and are very effective if used right. (inc Wo/mo) but I have yet to see 1 class be any more effective than another. (Some classes just need to work more on their tactics than others!)
A balanced party that works well as a team is the most effective force. Period!
Personally. I have played all the classes and currently I laugh when Wa/mo's try and take me out. They are so funny, looking so big and serious just before they try and flee in panic. Eat dirt suckers!
Every party member has his tactics and are very effective if used right. (inc Wo/mo) but I have yet to see 1 class be any more effective than another. (Some classes just need to work more on their tactics than others!)
A balanced party that works well as a team is the most effective force. Period!
Personally. I have played all the classes and currently I laugh when Wa/mo's try and take me out. They are so funny, looking so big and serious just before they try and flee in panic. Eat dirt suckers!
Perishiko ReLLiK
Originally Posted by Playful Kitty
Well ok here it goes.
Ive seen lvl 5-10 wars kill people on 2 seconds cause they can hit like 54s each time. Its not right. Ive built a necro/war monk/war Ele/mes War/monk. A war/monk can not be defeated. They have all this very advanced armor and a fiery sword guess its called a dragon sword? But they kill in 2 seconds and it isnt right. Thiis is with 1 war vs 1 more person or 1 war vs 4 people! (in old ascalon arena) Its impossible to kill them! then once you do kill them hello they get a raise! BS!!!!!!!!!! |
The only reason for "unbalanced" problems in this game is the root of your own unexperience.
Quit making threads like this, because my ranger nec will take ANY warrior monk with Ease... ive takin two warrior monks and a ranger (no mes secondary), at the same time and won (i guarentee they thought i was cheating). of course they probably just weren't as experienced... but even the best warrior monk could only "last longer" vs me. If you've seen me and know what im talkin about, im the endless energy blood nuking ranger with insane armor...
Perishiko **Perish In Kind oblivion*
Don't be fooled by clones.
edit:: Just so you all know -- Hint Hint = Use blind to shut down physical dmg... use backfire to shut down magic. GG, find a monk that a mesmer cant take out and ill quit the game.
P.S. If anyone with a dragon sword comes at me, i just laugh... my defenses vs ele is insanity... have fun with the game, and experement... anything you want to play, can be built... anything you want to beat, focus on it... if you try to make a character that's good at solo'n, then more then likely it's not a good guild build, and it's a useless character anyways.
I'm gonna enjoy when the game gets farther into stradegy, there's so many stradegies just being scratched at the surface.
3 Necros 1 MoMe will beat them in about 20 seconds.
Master Elyas
im a lvl 15 W/Mo, with a Fiery Dragon Sword of Deathbane... and the proness armor called Wyvern (Although, its the crappeh stuff from LA...). Im quite positive that a warrior like mine can do that Playful Kitty... its just not frikken possible... Unless the Warrior was lvl 20, and the ppl were like... lvl 5s, then the Warrior could take 4 at a time... 
but then again, im not 2 sure... i havent done much PvPing since release, so yea...

but then again, im not 2 sure... i havent done much PvPing since release, so yea...
4 knockdowns, ward, and aftershock, Defensive Stance... I can tank two War/Mos and kill them both.
For War/Nec... Plague Touch is a blessing vs Paladins. Bleeds are most of their damage (most use shield/fiery sword of noobness)...
Trick is to get them to half and prevent them from healing from there. Second trick would require you to stop them from running around the damn arena 50 million times.....
For War/Nec... Plague Touch is a blessing vs Paladins. Bleeds are most of their damage (most use shield/fiery sword of noobness)...
Trick is to get them to half and prevent them from healing from there. Second trick would require you to stop them from running around the damn arena 50 million times.....
I'll admit I have not read every post on this thread, but allow me just one second to mention (for those too lazy to figure it out or try something new) 2 mesmer skills that used together OWN W/Mo, every time (assuming you can heal yourself a bit or have someone do it).
Diversion / Empathy
Dead W/Mo. Everytime. There is a counter to EVERYTHING in this game, just need to find it.

Diversion / Empathy
Dead W/Mo. Everytime. There is a counter to EVERYTHING in this game, just need to find it.
Master Elyas
Originally Posted by xakia
(most use shield/fiery sword of noobness)...
and, it gives +15% damage to undead, and its customized for me...
me pwn u with it sometime...