What was your first green item?
A Yakslapper.
I've never been really interested in Greens. Found one while killing my way to Vizunha's Square. I got the Purifier of the Mesmer boss. Nothing special but since It was my first one I was pretty happy :P
Shifty Five Monk
dragos flat bow
My first green drop was Morgriff's scepter...
Yep, my luck is still that good to this day...hehhe
Yep, my luck is still that good to this day...hehhe
Koles Gaunts =]
Stinger, lol. I thought it was L33t at the time.
my first green was the 20/20 victos battle axe when I first did green farming ever with any of my chars. that was right after the update
ur worst night mare
dragos flatbow
Silabus The Rebirth
Tanzit's Cleaver
koles gauntlet or elswyths longbow
The milk shake
victos blade heh
Stinger; first and only. can't sell it; no buyers.
Fire Nin
I began farming greens in faction
my first: The Stonereaper
my first: The Stonereaper
first green to drop on me was the razorstone. guildie and i were just exploring SF with henchies within the week it was introduced. i sold it two months later for nearly 100K and since then became a farmer
Bortak's Bone Staff.
Tarnok's Longbow was the first one I got, I never used it though
X of Thulcandra
This has to be my most successful thread by far in any forum. lol...
Loki Seiguro
my first green was the stinger which i bought but the first green i got while farmign was the bludgenor
Retribution X
Victo's axe, when it first dropped. I was Elated.
all i got till now was a stupid max green hammer
Got the Bludgenor waay back when, got a Quivering Blade a few weeks back, Gargash (sp?) Recurve Bow, and I got an Ageis yesterday. Oh and I got something from the Mantid in Factions outside the monastery but it was such a low lev and not my class it went to the merchant....
Ailyrr Merlena
*sobs* My beloved 20/20 rockmolder.
Zephyr Jackson
My very first one was Thorgralls, and my Very first one that dropped was Victo's Maul