Give Iron Mine Henches Infusion
I don't understand why the Iron Mine Henches do not have infusion.
This makes no since as it FORCES you to use a pug for this mission. Personally I hate pugs as do the majority of GW.
This makes no since as it FORCES you to use a pug for this mission. Personally I hate pugs as do the majority of GW.
Kool Pajamas
Infused players are only needed for the bonus, not the mission.
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Originally Posted by Skuld
Infused players are only needed for the bonus, not the mission.
Theres still Mursaat, and Jade to fight in the mission side
Don't the henchies get infused when you get infused when seeing the seer and getting the spectral essece?I though it was meant for the party but they tend to go down faster than yourself.I really haven't done that mission in full though.
Guardian of the Light
I actually think this is a bug
I actually think this is a bug
Forces you? Um.. why not just find yourself a decent guild (it being, you know, GUILD WARS) and some friends to do the mission with?
That aside, I've run this with me + another necro + rest henchmen and it was fine. You don't need for them to be infused to complete it (but bonus? maybe).
That aside, I've run this with me + another necro + rest henchmen and it was fine. You don't need for them to be infused to complete it (but bonus? maybe).
I've done it with henchies about 3-5 times.
Lord Iowerth
Interesting ... but I could go either way on this one. Allow me to play devil's advocate:
On one side, no they aren't infused and that makes bonus REALLY hard (if not impossible), and i'd like to think that I could hench mission + bonus on every mission. They are infused every mission after iron mines, which i'm sure most people know, which satisfies me for the most part.
On the other, at the very end of Iron Mines where Markis is, there are a handful of jade and some mursaat spellcasters. It might be nice if you actually went to the trouble of doing the infusion bit, that the henchies could be infused from that point onwards. (although i've never had the henchies die TOO badly at the last fight with markis ... so perhaps they've fixed those mursaat to not spectral agony that often, or at all)
/left brain signed
/right brain rejected
On one side, no they aren't infused and that makes bonus REALLY hard (if not impossible), and i'd like to think that I could hench mission + bonus on every mission. They are infused every mission after iron mines, which i'm sure most people know, which satisfies me for the most part.
On the other, at the very end of Iron Mines where Markis is, there are a handful of jade and some mursaat spellcasters. It might be nice if you actually went to the trouble of doing the infusion bit, that the henchies could be infused from that point onwards. (although i've never had the henchies die TOO badly at the last fight with markis ... so perhaps they've fixed those mursaat to not spectral agony that often, or at all)
/left brain signed
/right brain rejected
Infused henchies aren't required if you don't charge in and aggro everything in sight. The healer bots can keep up with healing so long as it's only 1 or 2 spectrals.
I've done the mission with henchies tons of times 
Make sure you don't aggro everything in sight and you'll be alright.

Make sure you don't aggro everything in sight and you'll be alright.
i know how to play the game and am not a noob in pve. you don't have to tell me "don't arrgo everything"
if you run into 2+ mursaat with a full group of henches they will rip you apart every time.
if you want proof go into mission with full henches. after the first group you can go straight or right and follow the river. go straight and try to kill all those mursaat. you'll die trying i did it 10 times in a row and died every single time.
if you run into 2+ mursaat with a full group of henches they will rip you apart every time.
if you want proof go into mission with full henches. after the first group you can go straight or right and follow the river. go straight and try to kill all those mursaat. you'll die trying i did it 10 times in a row and died every single time.
I was looking for a ranger elite on the Guildwikki and there is one I have yet to cap and it says that hechies don't get infused even when you see the seer with spectral essence.I justed wanted to correct myself on that as they aren't infused through the whole mission if you use all of them.
Thats because going straight is the wrong way and you're running into more than 2, jades can do spectral agony just as well as mursaat.
Originally Posted by dargon
Thats because going straight is the wrong way and you're running into more than 2, jades can do spectral agony just as well as mursaat.
going straight is a short cut to the end of mission. its not the wrong way its a different way.
[email protected]
Infuse health on a henchie out heals the Spectral Agony damage, makes it not even matter they aren't infused, but then you need to be a /Mo to do it.
I'm conflicted.
On the one hand, I've had a HARD time doing just the mission, because once you start fighting the Mursaat, the henchies go down fast, and build up some nasty DP before you can fight the boss. On the other hand, with a halfway decent build, you could do the bonus with just henchies if and only if they got their infusion when you get it.
I'd like to see them get the infusion, but mostly because I can't seem to ever find a group trying to do the bonus
On the one hand, I've had a HARD time doing just the mission, because once you start fighting the Mursaat, the henchies go down fast, and build up some nasty DP before you can fight the boss. On the other hand, with a halfway decent build, you could do the bonus with just henchies if and only if they got their infusion when you get it.
I'd like to see them get the infusion, but mostly because I can't seem to ever find a group trying to do the bonus

Btw there are many good elites on this mission if you kill the mursaat bosses. Main reason I choose to go this route.
Problem is finding 2+ monks for mission. I stood in dist 1 with 6/8 players looking for 20 minutes for 2 monks.
I scanned the town and only 2 monks were not in a party. With infused henches you can go on 2nd route w/o having to find real monks. Monk henches are fine with me they do a good job.
Problem is finding 2+ monks for mission. I stood in dist 1 with 6/8 players looking for 20 minutes for 2 monks.
I scanned the town and only 2 monks were not in a party. With infused henches you can go on 2nd route w/o having to find real monks. Monk henches are fine with me they do a good job.
however, not because of the mission per say. rather the issue is that the maps outside of Iron Mines contains Mursaat. i was exploring the maps with the henchmen, and i had some serious issues with mursaats that bottlenecked parts of the map.
i am of the opinion that the henchmen should be designed as having infusion if you are completely infused. otherwise, they can remain un-infused.
in my opinion, this is definitely a bug that devs haven't thought through when they came up with the infusion vs. spectral agony idea.
however, not because of the mission per say. rather the issue is that the maps outside of Iron Mines contains Mursaat. i was exploring the maps with the henchmen, and i had some serious issues with mursaats that bottlenecked parts of the map.
i am of the opinion that the henchmen should be designed as having infusion if you are completely infused. otherwise, they can remain un-infused.
in my opinion, this is definitely a bug that devs haven't thought through when they came up with the infusion vs. spectral agony idea.
Numa Pompilius
The mission is easy with henches. There is however a bug in the infusion process: if your armor is already infused when you give the spectral essence to the seer, the henches don't get infused. If you have at least one piece of uninfused armor, they do get infused. Try with a cheap piece of uninfused armor from Ascalon - the difference is pretty obvious in the following fights.
I guess the easiest solution would be to infuse the henches by default, but otherwise the solution hidden_agenda suggests, that the henches use whatever state your armor's got, infuse or uninfused, would be best.
I guess the easiest solution would be to infuse the henches by default, but otherwise the solution hidden_agenda suggests, that the henches use whatever state your armor's got, infuse or uninfused, would be best.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
Btw there are many good elites on this mission if you kill the mursaat bosses.
Infusion is there for a reason, otherwise we all wouldn't bother with it.
I've cleared Perdition for capping with henches only - they are very useful - but at Iron Mines they are worthless. Approaching the last missions of the game should really not be easier with henches than Southern Shiverpeaks.
henchied this.. and I wasnt even infused.
The henchmen are obviously infused after this mission, so they should at least follow the same infusion process. It's fine if they aren't infused for the first part of the mission. But, if you want to do the bonus, after getting infused, so should the henchmen.
The Henchies don't get infused even if you do strange but they don't and I did the mission not the bonus with them and it is ok if you keep an eye on them.I to would like to cap a few skills in this mission as oath shot is in here as well as the ROF mission but there are 2 elites on the RoF for Rangers.I would rather cap in the this mission not RoF mission. go to.
read what it says about the mission.
read what it says about the mission.
Just a Bump up and to tell you if any of you want to go and cap a skill in Iron mMines just give me a PM in game and I will join you.I still need to get Oath Shot.
Instead of going straight at the Muursat from the beginning, why not go via the long way around and come at them from the direction of Markis. If as a ranger you're good at interupting you can keep one Muursat from ever getting off Spectral Agony, if you're really special, you can keep two of them at bay. Be an Apply Poison/Crippling Shot ranger with an interupt, I made it 3/4 of the way back to the beginning with the henches before being overwhelmed, it really isn't that hard.
Originally Posted by Zaklex
Instead of going straight at the Muursat from the beginning, why not go via the long way around and come at them from the direction of Markis.
The henches should be infused if you are infused or make them infused from the beginning. I don't see the point of them being not infused.
If henches are only for completing the mission, then there's probably no need for infusion because you're supposed to get infusion done before reaching the mission objective. But henchies are not just for the mission use. If you intend to go outside Iron Mines to capture skills or just head south, you'd run into Jade Armors/Bows. If you want to redo mission to capture elite skills after completing the mission, you'd run into lots of Mursaat. So yeah, I vote for having infused henchies at Iron Mine.
If henches are only for completing the mission, then there's probably no need for infusion because you're supposed to get infusion done before reaching the mission objective. But henchies are not just for the mission use. If you intend to go outside Iron Mines to capture skills or just head south, you'd run into Jade Armors/Bows. If you want to redo mission to capture elite skills after completing the mission, you'd run into lots of Mursaat. So yeah, I vote for having infused henchies at Iron Mine.