Health bar numbers and monk helpers
I would like to have the option to turn health bar numbers on and off in the party box, so that every bar would have the current and max health just like my own.
As a monk it would be great to see the exact numbers for healing preventing over heals, this would also help combat the 55builds joining PUG's and doing nothing solving a lot of complaints i imagine.
Enchantments icons, i'd love a way for them to be placed next to the party member i have cast them on the little yellow^ is helpful to know they are enchanted but it would be with anything and something like aegis makes everyone enchanted and the only way to tell if someone has lost their 'life barrier' for example is to move my mouse over the remaining 3 icons and seeing who's name isn't there.
If people are thinking the screen would look cluttered, as a monk the health bars are my main focus to look at mid combat so i don't mind if part of my screen is taken up and i assume most monks would be the same.
This is how it currently looks:
This is how i want it: (but with the icons sized correctly and right next to the names)
Suggestions, changes?
As a monk it would be great to see the exact numbers for healing preventing over heals, this would also help combat the 55builds joining PUG's and doing nothing solving a lot of complaints i imagine.
Enchantments icons, i'd love a way for them to be placed next to the party member i have cast them on the little yellow^ is helpful to know they are enchanted but it would be with anything and something like aegis makes everyone enchanted and the only way to tell if someone has lost their 'life barrier' for example is to move my mouse over the remaining 3 icons and seeing who's name isn't there.
If people are thinking the screen would look cluttered, as a monk the health bars are my main focus to look at mid combat so i don't mind if part of my screen is taken up and i assume most monks would be the same.
This is how it currently looks:
This is how i want it: (but with the icons sized correctly and right next to the names)
Suggestions, changes?
No support for this?

death fuzzy
ive thought of this idea before.
Claire Wolf
Monks wouldn't have such headaches with this.
Monks wouldn't have such headaches with this.
Having enchantments next to people's names would make things much easier then this.
Having enchantments next to people's names would make things much easier then this.
Marodac Evilbane
Great idea! 55 monks in PUG can be such a nuisance... And knowing whether or nor someone has breeze on him or aura of restauration will surely help with my monking

Great idea! It's a pain to loose maintained enchants in 8vs8, especially if you maintain more that one kind.
god, this would be a help in tombs that's for sure.
Turbo Wombat
My room mate was complaining about this when he tried to be a barrier monk for the first time. It truly is a pain to try to stay up with all that at once.
De Skjeve Rechtn
/totally aggreed.
55 monks are screwed, and its o lot easier for bonders
55 monks are screwed, and its o lot easier for bonders

leeky baby
great idea
great idea

Fungus Amongus
I have wished for this before. A toggleable enchanments/hexes/conditions display like in chippxero's example might be a helpful addition. Imagine them all turned on in some areas! You might have 20-30 icons next to each name at times.
Seriously, this would be great help monitoring maintained enchantments.
Seriously, this would be great help monitoring maintained enchantments.
Brother Doug
As a Monk, I'd really like to see this great idea implemented into the game.
Awesome idea.

It'd solve alot of probs with 55 monks getting kicks outta screwing up ppls parties in tombs
It'd solve alot of probs with 55 monks getting kicks outta screwing up ppls parties in tombs
Excellent idea, as my guild mate said above
great work chippxero
great work chippxero