The Ascalon and Yak's Bend arenas are still full of the twinked players using elite skills and max armor. Some of you out there complained that this was "too much code" to change and "too complicated" for ANet to fix.
To that, I give you the snowball fights. ANet somehow went through the trouble to put everyone's armor, health, whatever, at the appropriate level--all for an event that will go away in a few days? Imagine how the same concept could fix the lower-level arenas once and for all.
Here's the rough idea:
ANet could compile a list of all the skills that can be had from Ascalon City to Serenity Temple to Grendich Courthouse. When you enter Ascalon arena, whether or not you have completed the quests/bought the skills for your primary and secondary professions, you automatically have these skills available to you...and ONLY those skills. Armor is all set to Ascalon City level (but of course doesn't change looks). Obviously everything resets to its "real" level once you exit the arena.
Everyone repeats the phrase "skill over time played." We all know that getting run somewhere requires a substantial amount of time played: first, to realize that getting run is a possibility; second, to have earned the money to buy the armor/signets of capture or made friends who will run you. It's not about REAL skill one bit. (Although the twinkies are convinced it is and do not hesitate to rub your face in it.)

I have been and still am baffled by ANet's refusal to fix the problem. For a game that strives so hard for balance, the imbalance in the lower-level arenas is a huge disgrace.
[Please, I beg you, do not tell me just to stay out of the lower-level arenas. The issue is bigger than that, and you know it. These twinkies will one day be level 20 and playing on my random CA team. Will they be prepared? No, they've been crippled by their unfair and cowardly advantages early on. And the potentially good players will have been scared off by getting drained by Life Transfer or sliced up with Illusionary Weaponry or whatever.]