I hate Thirsty River.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



I do, I really hate, the entire mission is a walk in the park until you meet the last boss...that monk.
I took out the other two teams in less then 5 minutes then i spent my time hacking and hacking. I might have won in 7 minutes tops...but both my monks died.
And Alesis is to much of a retard to run off or to even heal herself after I use my Res Signet on her.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


Just bring a mesmer.

-But NO NO!! Only warriors and monks are allowed to join! and maybe a minion master!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



Tried it 6 times with a mesmer or not but never any success.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


sucky mesmer you had then, just use backfire/power spike on that monk boss and he's gone in a jiffy. Or pick an interupt ranger (punishing shot - savage shot - distracting shot - ...).

thirsty is deadeasy, as long as you bring some interupts

Janky Crackafoo

Janky Crackafoo

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

A cave in the Southern Shiverpeaks.

Absolute Betrayal [AB]


Maybe it's because you're level 14...

Ultimate Warrior

Ultimate Warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005




Use better skills, maybe one that can interupt.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Northwest Ascalon



That Monk just stands there and takes it. Talk to your Mesmer before hand and get Chaos Storm in there. Got an Elementalist? Maelstrom works. Ranger should just interupt, interupt. And of course, get the Priest FIRST! With the rest of the team dead, you should be able to take the Monk Boss with any build.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



Check screenshot again the priests dead, only things left alive are the boss and some damn bow thingy that wont die thanks to the boss.

Also to another comment, ive finished the mission on all ym previous characters, and all of them were less then level12.
I got there at level 10 now 14 thanks to trying the mission over and over.

Oh and another if I had the skill points i would have gotten an interupt skill but I dont.

Reason for my skills is because I like to kill things fast and get it over and done with.
Even ran my warrior as an Axe spiker using cleave since I havent gotten to the Ring of Fire with my level 14.

#Edit: My team didnt die from the boss but from the bow thingy's when we killed the priest and without the monks the warrior just died....didnt even use Heal Sig. I was beating at him ( ALone ) for more then 25 minutes with the Ghostly Hero helping me.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


Teh Pwnage:

2 tanks
1 monk
1 dom mesmer
1 int ranger
1 MM

Easy ass mission, plenty of DPS in the MM (tanks should bring some dmg here), and the dom mesmer and int ranger shut him down.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Gash instead of Sprint would've made the difference IMO. 20% less healing is always nice in that area.

Anyway, think my record was 30 minutes on thirsty. I think we drained all of their energy so all they could do was Orison of Healing or Word of Healing. Congrats for doing it with all henchmen at level 14... even if just one or two enemies didn't die, it's still more of an accomplishment than a lot of players out there.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



Thanks for the good comment.

Never thought of using Gash though.. I might try it see what it yields.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


I might advise killing the monk boss first before the warrior and elementalist.

Compared to the monk, those are cakewalks.

Maelstorm works really well, as will an interupt ranger. You might want to knockout the enemy rangers so they dont concussion shot your spell casters.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Florida USA :)



juts bring a minion master and gg.. uve won the mission.. my friend couldnt beet it either so i just took my minion master and me and him beet it by rselfs..(2 monk hench ofcoarse)..
Good minion masters=gg
Bad mm's= bad game...
mersmers r good.. but i think some of them dont know what they r doing.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Bring scourage of healing?
Bring something that causes deep wound (20% reduced healing)?
Bring KD war?
Bring a mes w/ backfire, clumsiness and shatter enchantments?
Bring a ele w/ maelstorm, gale or metor shower?
Bring intrupt ranger?
Bring curse necro w/ anti healing spells and strips enchantments?

Or higher somone that can solo thirsty...
like me...

I honestly dont see wat all this hype is about thirsty being hard... in my opinion, it is one of the eziest and fastest missions if ppl would just adjust there skillbars to take down each boss quickly.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

The word "hard" was never used, only "hate". Like any mission, it can be simple through organization. However, not all of us simply throw money at our problems to make them go away. For those who bought the game to enjoy more than 10% of it...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My lovely little apartment.



I don't find the mission hard, I proved that by getting to the end at level 13 and then making level 14 during it.

My only problem is that I've ran the mission with 5 PUG's and not one made it passed the monk boss. Even though I got there alot faster with hench I still didn't manage to kill him after 25 minutes aft starting the fight with him.

The reason I leave him for last is because as soon as you enter that area the monsters at the warrior boss arent close to the priest , so I just run in and kill him. The only defence he has at that point is the warrior boss which is extremly easy to kill.