Hi everyone! I've been spending a great deal of time on GW recently but have been experiencing issues with the games performance and alas even it's playability some of the time.
What's ironic about this whole situation is that the game plays better and more consistently on the OLD install (the install that prompted me to create a new windows install on another partition...). I did some work and cleared up the original install, defragged, more cleaning, defragged again, scanned for viruses, (none found btw on AVG/Norton), optimized my system, updated the bios, uninstalled tons of other things. The long and short of it is, folks, I did everything I should have (for a hack like myself that is!).
System Specs:
2.4GHZ Celeron D (533mhz) (256 L2 cache?) (going back to 3ghz this friday!)
Radeon 9500 PRO
1GB KingMax DD400
160GB 8MB Cache
The game has run very well in the past and even with the Celeron in there (temporary) it has done very well...
Symptoms on both installs (keep in mind again, the old install is now playable the majority of the time whilst the new fully updated install with all recent drivers etc is unplayable).
MAIN ISSUE: Deathly slow Char movement, the whole game just runs "slow" and "bogged". While it does hit the HD a fair amount while this is going on, I'm not thinking it's some kind of HD issue
Connect to areanet sits on 0% sometimes (more of a recent manifistation) (10 seconds) then goes to 100%. Possibly just connectivity issues between myself and them at the time...
My Characters and Username/PWD message box stutters upon loading
Characters stutter into "being", sometimes the screen will slightly jerk into focus. If I hadn't played while it instantly popped up on my screen for so long I probably wouldn't think anything of just this so far...But..
Upon selecting a Character and playing (and any loading screen thereafter for the most part...time slightly reduced thereafter for loading times) it will sit on 0 for about 10 seconds, goto 100, then sit there for 8-15 seconds.
When I come out of warp, I materialize very slowly, names appear slowly, then a couple people, then I appear. This can take up to 30 seconds. Once I finally enter a mission the main symptom appears but the game goes between what I would call very poor perfomance/unplayable at that point.
Now on my old install (after all the cleaning up and babying) it was running well for 2 or 3 days and now I'm back to chugging along and 30 second wait times. I know it's "something" as I've played smooth as glass many a time and consistently.
Windows Updates .. check
Virus Scan .. check check check (multiple software)
Defrag .. check
System Performance in general .. check
new windows install .. check, unplayable though, similar but less manifistations of prob in old install..uhh.. check
Any questions/comments, pls post and any intensive back-and-fourth Q/A email me at unixman63 @ yahoo.com and I'll paste in the responses later if it's an interesting issue (it's gotta be, I've never been stumped like this before with a game....)
Quick Ben
Serious Issues
Ultimate Warrior
Hmmmm I dont know how I can help you, but I suggest that you stop using norton and uninstall it. Norton uses your resources and slowly makes your computer slower.
my $.02, run msconfig and uncheck everything (Disable All button) on startup tab, and reboot.
I've uninstalled both Norton and AVG, I've disabled services (all but the ones required by MS to connect to net) and I'm still getting the same problem.
Is there a recommended system perfomance tool I can use just to verify 100% it is not my system?
Is there a recommended system perfomance tool I can use just to verify 100% it is not my system?