New to GW's (Questions)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Well I got my GW on Christmas (Was really for my dec 18 b-day)

I have tried some classes, necro, ele, warrior, ranger, ect...

Right now I have a e/mok which is lv 8. I'm getting bored of playing him and what I'm looking for is a type of class to just go out and beat the heck out of my enemys while being able to take a lot of damage.

So I'm thinking of a Warrior, but I don't know what would be good for a secondary?

Now I would like to make a Warrior for my RP char but would like to give my stuff from my e/mok to my new Warrior, I have no idea how to since I got some nice dyes, ores, and other things, a lot of candy cane shards and what not. Is this possible?

I also wanted to know, I got like 630 points from pvp battles (4 wins in a row 0 loss!) :O Starters luck. If I unlock pvp stuff and delete the char will the stuff stay? Since I no longer like my e/mok?

More Questions to come as I find more things to ask about! Thanks!

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


1) Warrior is a good class for you then. /monk is popular for the self-heals (so you can "not take alot of damage" better). Dont do Hammer warrior at first though, the slowness might not be to your liking.

2) After the Searing, You start seeing "Xanlai" (spelling?) agents in outposts. Pay them 50 gold one time, and that character can enter an account storage locker of sorts. Any items/money you put in this storage can be used by any character you make (and pay the 50 gold for).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Well, no one can tell you how to play. I personally love playing all classes in PvE and PvP. No bad choices!

But, an elementalist is a very formidable opponent in PvP and PvE. You are correct, the armor is nowhere near as good as a warrior’s, but then again, an elementalist can dish out a LOT more damage potentially than a warrior. You will keep getting more skills and better weapons as you progress. Also E/Mo is a very versatile class; stealth healer or smiter come to mind.

If you did want to make a warrior, monk is the easiest secondary, but not necessarily the most intriguing way to go. Some brief and simple ideas: Warrior/Ranger = apply poison + cyclone axe… Warrior/Ele = Conjure element + elemental weapon… Warrior/Necro = Plague Touch those conditions away. There are any number of combos that could work. I say again, really no bad choices of primary/secondary profession. (There are obviously bad skill/attribute point combos, but we'll save that.)

As for transferring items to your other character…. You have gone postsearing, right? Talk to the Xunlai Agent in Ascalon City. She will set up a storage unit for you for a small fee. You can store items and money in there accessible to all characters on your account.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by dimirpaw
I also wanted to know, I got like 630 points from pvp battles (4 wins in a row 0 loss!) :O Starters luck. If I unlock pvp stuff and delete the char will the stuff stay? Since I no longer like my e/mok?
Sorry, forgot to answer this part.

Your current character unlocks items, runes, and skills throughout the game; you can also unlock things using faction that the PvP custom character can use.

The things you have unlocked one way or another have been unlocked for the entire account, not for the character. So, no, since the stuff is not physically in your inventory, it will not disappear if you delete your E/Mo.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Alright thanks! I have done like 6 quests in the pre-al or whatever that place is that you go after the new player area. Reason I lost entrest in the E/Mok was because the oppents would kill me fast when mobbed. I was able to get henchmen but when my ele got targeted I got about 5 seconds of life... I have played about 10-16 soild hours so far. So I have the basic understanding of how things work. Still learning though.

One thing I hate is when I kill monters I have this habbit to pick up everything and sell sell sell! My bag gets full fast, I have some kind of bag pouch or something for 6 items I beleive.

Any tips on playing a Warrior? I really enjoyed the Sword/Sheild then using frenzy while healing myself with my w/m when I first started playing. So I have done a Warrior once before.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Sword warrior is fun... just be careful of Frenzy, as the increase in damage to yourself while in use can be deadly. If you have the adrenaline built up, hit Watch Yourself! before using Frenzy or Healing Signet. You'll learn which combos are most effective, as you play!

There are two merchants in postsearing Ascalon. Laren and Arnaud, I believe. Arnaud is the one that has bags for sale, to add to storage on your person. Later when you get to the town of Piken Square you can buy a "Rune of Holding" - they're expensive! - which expands the capacity of these extra bags.

Whenever you hit a new area, in a town, or outside, hold down your ALT key and look around. You'll find collectors with neat stuff, important NPCs you need to talk to, and traders and things.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


In Post searing you can buy 2 more bags to hold more items.

My tip is to drop Frenzy before long. Once the enemy AI gets smarter alittle ways into the game, Frenzy will just be a burden to your health.

EDIT: I won round one, other dude beat me to it round 2 :\ Another tip is to fix your skillbar after you know what you'll encounter. Dont bring condition causing skills in with you in a mainly undead enemy area..and etc.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


Originally Posted by dimirpaw
Alright thanks! I have done like 6 quests in the pre-al or whatever that place is that you go after the new player area. Reason I lost entrest in the E/Mok was because the oppents would kill me fast when mobbed. I was able to get henchmen but when my ele got targeted I got about 5 seconds of life... I have played about 10-16 soild hours so far. So I have the basic understanding of how things work. Still learning though.
Yes, caster armor is not made of the toughest stuff ... but eles (more than any other class, i'll stick my neck out to say) have the capability to do the largest amount of damage (in a relatively short amount of time) than any other class. The yin to this yang, is that they are vulnerable to direct attacks, and won't hold ground very long if mobbed. Consider (after doing some profession quests) of specializing in Earth elements: you will get alot of spells that increase your armor, wards (which block attacks/slow opponents, etc), as well as some decent damage spells.

Originally Posted by dimirpaw
One thing I hate is when I kill monters I have this habbit to pick up everything and sell sell sell! My bag gets full fast, I have some kind of bag pouch or something for 6 items I beleive.
In ascalon, at the merchant, you can buy two more bags that go in your inventory slots next to your backpack and belt pouch, and hold 5 items each. In the next town/mission area you can also buy runes of holding, when applied to the 5 item bags increase their capacity to 10 items each.

Originally Posted by dimirpaw
Any tips on playing a Warrior? I really enjoyed the Sword/Sheild then using frenzy while healing myself with my w/m when I first started playing. So I have done a Warrior once before.
only this: *careful* when using frenzy! I would only use it when you are attacking something, and nothing else is attacking you ... that double damage really hurts if you get a big spell or skill thrown your way ... killed myself several times early on in my GW life before i figured that one out

I have a new account as well, so if you need any help: just let me know. Always more fun to do pre and the first bit of post-sear with some company My names are listed over
<----- there

EDIT: ahh you other guys are too quick for me!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Alright thanks!

Should I do the starting area with my Warrior just for the prime? Or do all the quests before moving to the big world? With my e/mo I did all the areas and quests I could find before moving to the big world...

The experince was nice though, however I could gain it pretty fast by leveling on creatures.

Lord Iowerth when I get into the Pre-A area i'll let you know!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


I don't know if you settled on a second class yet, but if you do all the various quests, they will let you try out a few skills from each.
and read through this list to see which sound cool:

also, by running around and doing presear quests you will be able to get more skills for your fighter.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


I'm a W/M which kicks butt! :O I started a guild with some real life friends and I gota find out how to get capes! :O



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Congrats, dimirpaw. I'm glad you have a guild with real-life friends, in my opinion that's the best way to start.

Capes are 2000g and can be designed and purchased at the Guild Emblemer in Old Ascalon (postsearing).

What we did, was had a contest to decide on a cape. Everyone who wanted to was encouraged to visit the Emblemer, fool around with cape designs, take screenshots. Then we held a "poll" on our forum to decide, and I went and made the new one based on the winning design. It was very fun and very fair.

The great thing about having a cape--if you are interested in your guild growing--is when you and your buddies are forming groups for missions and quests, people will see that you are all in the same guild. They'll see how you help each other and they'll want to join you too!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


We got our Guild Cape, of course I ended up paying the full 2k since they didn't have money.. No problems there!

My Warrior/Monk is lv 10 almost, however I cannot find a good way to kill charr's. I have tried my swords, axes, hammers, but I die pretty fast.

Any points I should be putting my att into? I mass my wep first, not sure if thats bad? Yes I'm using Lv 6 Henchmen. (I gota can go to Fort Rank, Piken, Asco, the old abby place. North Wall)


Lv 10 = 45 Points to put into stats.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sooner Nation


putting points into strength gives you armor penetration, which is helpful, for now, id recommend putting all points into your weapon and healing, and put leftovers in strength. you just gotta be careful and not get to many, i'd reccomend a bow to try and pull the larger groups apart. also, look at the requirment in parenthases next to the damage your weapon does...make sure you have that many points in that attribute. i know that sounds silly, but i've met a level 20 ele who didnt know about attribute points.... >.<



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Ok, I'm using Hammer right now.

Heres a quick screen shot of what Im using in attachments.

NOTE: I have used this in the lv 1 - 10 arena and usally win about 7-8 rounds in a row. Hammer does stink but I cannot find more skills or afford anything more.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

In my computer room.

The Noob Elite [TnE]


It's not really that bad of a hammer for such a low level XD. I'll help you out, let me get on GW.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


When ever you can, would be nice. I'll add you to my friends list and when your on i'll give you a shout. Thanks!

It says "MistahMagoo" cannot be found to be added to my friends list, is your char name your username on the forums?

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


Egad, get some gloves man! You're going to loose your grip on that hammer

I'm usually on later at night, if you need any help at all.

<-- always glad to help



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Alright, ill give you a shout later on at night. (I'm usally the owl at night, on from like 5pm to 3-6am.) :O



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


I have gotten all the way to some Druid Place in the Jungle, where your mission is to find the choosen ones, my problem is those moss spiders, or whatever there called tear me to bits, I'm using the Gald armor set from Lion, and using a 16-26 hammer, since I don't have 20k for these super hammers people are selling.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Just have to be patient, my friend. The game can be tough in places, especially the first time through.

You don't want it to be a breeze, do you? You want the challenge!

OK. Here's what you do: Collect Thorny Carapaces, Jungle Troll Tusks, Ebon Spider Legs and Stormy Eyes and Tangled Seeds. These are for the collectors in the jungle who will give you BETTER armor than anything you can buy at this point, though without the energy bonus of the Gladiator's armor. For FREE!!

There are collectors in and around Druid's Overlook, Ventari's Refuge, and then Southwest of Ventari's Refuge, where you complete the one quest for the large Druid. (It starts out Blood and Smoke but morphs into another quest.)

When you see the green triangles on your mini-map when outside... it's probably a collector! Remember to hold down ALT key to see, if they are in range. I always visit nearby collectors just to see what they have. They also lots of times offer better weapons than things you find as well.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

A fairyland with roots in history


Getting a clean max damage hammer shouldnt be too hard, and if you are willing to not have THE best you can get some decent mods without giving away all your gold. Theres a mod guideline in the trade-> price check forums. But the armour should be your first priority, to keep you alive, as your hammer should be good enough



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


My Glad armor is the best I can get, 55 armor 20+ armor +1 enegery I belive, its the same as the other one you can make but costs more and has the +1 engery. So I made it in Lion.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by dimirpaw
My Glad armor is the best I can get, 55 armor 20+ armor +1 enegery I belive, its the same as the other one you can make but costs more and has the +1 engery. So I made it in Lion.
Sounds good... however, the jungle collectors will give you armor level 71, again without the energy bonus of Gladiator's. One collector for each piece.

Takes some time, but it's fun and most of the collectors are in easy reach.