Hi there, I was wondering why:
- When you add someone to your Ignore list, you can still read what they say on all channels, including they can still spam emotes and still see them?
- The "Close UI" option to hide windows to take nicer screenshots do not work? I first assigned the Close UI to the letter B, everytime I press B nothing happens. I then tried assign it to INSERT, still nothing. I then tried F6, still nothing. Is this option just not functional yet?
Options that don't work?
Regarding the Ignore list, I was wondering that as well. I thought that adding someone to it would mean I didn't have to continue reading their incessant drivel in Local chat, but it didn't work that way. Maybe it's just so they don't whisper you, though I'd love for it to effect all Chat channels.
The CloseUI button simply closes any open windows, like Attributes, Skills, Guild, etc. that are currently open. It doesn't remove the UI altogether.
To take a screenshot with all the UI off, simply hold Shift while pressing the Print Screen button.
The CloseUI button simply closes any open windows, like Attributes, Skills, Guild, etc. that are currently open. It doesn't remove the UI altogether.
To take a screenshot with all the UI off, simply hold Shift while pressing the Print Screen button.
Or if you don't want to see the UI use CNTRL+SHIFT+H
It used to work like that in the E3 for everyone and the WPE, so I dunno why it doesn't work now.