best money maker?
what class is the best at making money? In my experiences with Diablo 2 and games of the like, money is the key to happiness XD
in D2 it was a rogue, same case in GW?
in D2 it was a rogue, same case in GW?
Raz Silverwing
Just about all classes can make money effectively, but personally I think warrior is the best because of the droknar runs.
well i m also a D2 player, and, GW is quite a different game 
u can get the big stuff easily^^nn to dupe stuff
what's rare and expensive is skin u can have on ur char or items

u can get the big stuff easily^^nn to dupe stuff

what's rare and expensive is skin u can have on ur char or items

since when was a rouge best to make money with in d2... paladin to mf...
anyway warrior ftw
anyway warrior ftw
good point about the pally, but sorcs were good at MFing too... but it's undeniable that before all the duping / hacking that rogue dominated everything.
The 55hp Fissure/Underworld farmer monk seems pretty freaking dominant. If I were starting a new character specifically for money stuff, that's what I'd probably do.
toric brightblade
okay, if you DONT have lots of money, and you DONT want to spend the like....50k to set up a solo monk, make a solo necro. search for solo necromancer build, and it will show you a great one or two. try not to use the zombie build though, it kinda sux.
I'd say W/Mo because it's the best for running by far and the easiest to farm with. 55 Monks might be more effective and earn more money but are more difficult to use.
Ascalonian Hero
i think in early days all calsses can make money
I did make like 100k i first 6days of playing by level up my char to lvl 15 in 3 days
(hehe i played it like 20 hours a day) and by selling items and buying better items and selling them for 4th day to 6th day....
well after u reach level 20 and got good drok armor then warrior might do best money making!
well after u reach level 20 and got good drok armor then warrior might do best money making!
i miss Tengu

You know what the problem with the solo necro builds are? They're all 55hp /Mo, minus the spendier runes. It's completely lame. =p If there're non-/Mo out there (that aren't for things like, fighting Flash Gargoyles outside Ascalon City), the search functon has failed me.
Do 2 man UW runs.
Originally Posted by nunix
The 55hp Fissure/Underworld farmer monk seems pretty freaking dominant. If I were starting a new character specifically for money stuff, that's what I'd probably do.
Yogi's Pain
You have to realize that in GW there is no such thing as elite. Anyone can make money and at the same time anyone can be successful. I don't have a warrior or a 55 monk and at the same time I am very wealthy.
GW is a game that is made to be very easy in pve. It is also very easy to be competative in pvp. This game takes very little time or skill to be adept yet a lot of skill to be great. So if you're worried about the time or effort to be competative, don't be its very little. If you are worried about being great, then practice a bit, its still atainable.
GW is a game that is made to be very easy in pve. It is also very easy to be competative in pvp. This game takes very little time or skill to be adept yet a lot of skill to be great. So if you're worried about the time or effort to be competative, don't be its very little. If you are worried about being great, then practice a bit, its still atainable.
Not gonna discuss about d2 but just one thing money, as in gold in D2 doesnt make anyone happy at all :P
Toral Xi
Its true about any class being able to make money. I am a Me/Mo and have been doing SF runs and have received some pretty decent green items that I sell later on.
as a Me/Mo .. it's gonna be quite tough :/
Toral Xi
It's not to bad, I can't solo of course and getting into a group can sometimes take longer than a run, but the henchmen are always there- its just not as much fun as a group.
Rogue..? There's no Rogue in Diablo II
It's Amazon.
Anyway.. It's either Warrior or Monk, both are very effective. Anything else can farm, but way less effective.

Anyway.. It's either Warrior or Monk, both are very effective. Anything else can farm, but way less effective.
Originally Posted by hllow
Not gonna discuss about d2 but just one thing money, as in gold in D2 doesnt make anyone happy at all :P
There is no easy way to make money. They are all equally moderate

Lord Of Losers
ah, the D2 days. first was SoJ's then came in those damn runes. forgot which one most ppl wanted at the time. (it was that MF rune, IST's there we go)
well the warrior and monk are some of the most common money makers. monks with their 55 build to go griffon farming, UW ecto farming. and warriors with their running services, solo: griffons, hydras, IDS searching, UW farming, and such.
well the warrior and monk are some of the most common money makers. monks with their 55 build to go griffon farming, UW ecto farming. and warriors with their running services, solo: griffons, hydras, IDS searching, UW farming, and such.
The Primeval King
I Loved D2 as you can maybe tell by my avatar! I had a level 92 Magic Finding Sorceress.. And they are the best Magic Finders in D2.. I Had an enigma, breath of the dying, and lots of other good stuff.
Then it was stolen by someone who hacked into my account.. GRRRRR
I cried for only 7 months, and then found Guild Wars just to find out that it is somewhat the same in that you have to farm your brains out in both of them.
I'd say either a w/mo or mo/w to farm. Too bad Guild Wars makes it so that monks are the most important class in the game.. I say take out the monks and make potions, but with a 5 potion limit for PvP! It would sort of be like the snowball fights in that everyone should take care of their own health on their own.
Then it was stolen by someone who hacked into my account.. GRRRRR
I cried for only 7 months, and then found Guild Wars just to find out that it is somewhat the same in that you have to farm your brains out in both of them.
I'd say either a w/mo or mo/w to farm. Too bad Guild Wars makes it so that monks are the most important class in the game.. I say take out the monks and make potions, but with a 5 potion limit for PvP! It would sort of be like the snowball fights in that everyone should take care of their own health on their own.
Lord Of Losers
i remember my first time playing GW.
lol, the good ol times.
lol, the good ol times.
Playing normally is the best way. Why?
You don't worry about drops --> you play longer
You have fun --> you get more drops
You get to know people --> you get more time to do stuff instead of making teams
All my characters had the same ease when playing on teams. I can't say the same for soloing, it is not something I do regularly.
You don't worry about drops --> you play longer
You have fun --> you get more drops
You get to know people --> you get more time to do stuff instead of making teams
All my characters had the same ease when playing on teams. I can't say the same for soloing, it is not something I do regularly.
uw all the way... and soloing for IDS
Elrond Afil
solo fow spider build
get very lucky there
my mate earned his fow armour from there easily
get very lucky there
my mate earned his fow armour from there easily
X of Thulcandra
Originally Posted by Witchblade
as a Me/Mo .. it's gonna be quite tough :/