Just a few minor fixes
Ice Goddess
Allright, pretty new here, but ive noticed a few things i would like to see changed. i also know that *a lot* of you will seriously disagree with me, so please, do NOT flame this with pointless stuff. Im being serious here, you can too.
that stuff has *got* to stop. seriously. if you need skills for PvP, theres now a priest, go play PvP more. If you just want to check out the 15k armor, work your way through, just like everyone else. Just because you have beaten the game a trillion times gives you NO more privledges then the rest of us. It hurts the rest of us because we are forced at some point to take a super lower level with us. and those who dont want to, are forced to wait LONGER because they dont want a lower level. they shouldnt be there at all.
so im proposing two things...
A) Get rid of the Drok run. Simply stop that portal from existing.
-Yes, i know it provides *a lot* of money, and heck, i might even start doing it; but just because you have godly amounts of money shouldnt give you extra privledges. it defeats the game purpose when your running around with armor you SHOULDNT have until after youve ascended.
B ) Put level requirements on certain places. im seriously talking about Amnoon Oasis (maybe other places, like LA). If you complete the Sanctum Cay mission, you simply stay at that area until your high enough.
NO ONE should get free rides if they are below level, no matter how many characaters they have, or how many times they have beaten it. If your having trouble and are of level, runnings not a problem. But seeing level 5-10's at Augury and the missions is just stupid, it needs to stop.
that stuff has *got* to stop. seriously. if you need skills for PvP, theres now a priest, go play PvP more. If you just want to check out the 15k armor, work your way through, just like everyone else. Just because you have beaten the game a trillion times gives you NO more privledges then the rest of us. It hurts the rest of us because we are forced at some point to take a super lower level with us. and those who dont want to, are forced to wait LONGER because they dont want a lower level. they shouldnt be there at all.
so im proposing two things...
A) Get rid of the Drok run. Simply stop that portal from existing.
-Yes, i know it provides *a lot* of money, and heck, i might even start doing it; but just because you have godly amounts of money shouldnt give you extra privledges. it defeats the game purpose when your running around with armor you SHOULDNT have until after youve ascended.
B ) Put level requirements on certain places. im seriously talking about Amnoon Oasis (maybe other places, like LA). If you complete the Sanctum Cay mission, you simply stay at that area until your high enough.
NO ONE should get free rides if they are below level, no matter how many characaters they have, or how many times they have beaten it. If your having trouble and are of level, runnings not a problem. But seeing level 5-10's at Augury and the missions is just stupid, it needs to stop.

Check the function of
Leave the game as open-ended as possible to be "played" as the player sees fit. The possibility of bypassing content (i.e. GRIND) for subsequent characters is IMO one of the best parts of GW that other grind games do not have. One possible solution to this relative nonissue is to take away the 50k exp bonus for becoming ascended. This would solve the supposed "problem" and still allow open-ended play. NOT signed.
BTW if you were looking for a game where grinding the content over and over will allow you to have bragging rights for your paper dolls' superior equipment, you have ended up in the wrong game. GW is not one of those games but there are plenty of them (almost all of em) out there.
BTW if you were looking for a game where grinding the content over and over will allow you to have bragging rights for your paper dolls' superior equipment, you have ended up in the wrong game. GW is not one of those games but there are plenty of them (almost all of em) out there.
Ice Goddess
to lishi: why, thank you for being stupid, we all needed that im sure. i discussed that, yes you can leave, but thats letting them push you out of the way and making you wait longer, espescially if your not a monk/tank/necro.
to dragur: you might as well simply be asking for the ability to start a lvl 20 PvE with a full skill set. if you want to get there you should have to work, no matter how many characters you have, or how many times youve owned the game, or what your rank is. And quite the contrary, i dont care to brag, as to date, ive had maybe 3 gold weapons, and never gotten any 15k armor. i grind through to see if i can do it on various prof combinations...
hmm.. maybe they should have such a thing? create a lvl 20 w/ full skill set? (but the skills are NOT unlocked?) so they could farm away all they wanted, and if they chose to do the story, they could make a new character?
to dragur: you might as well simply be asking for the ability to start a lvl 20 PvE with a full skill set. if you want to get there you should have to work, no matter how many characters you have, or how many times youve owned the game, or what your rank is. And quite the contrary, i dont care to brag, as to date, ive had maybe 3 gold weapons, and never gotten any 15k armor. i grind through to see if i can do it on various prof combinations...
hmm.. maybe they should have such a thing? create a lvl 20 w/ full skill set? (but the skills are NOT unlocked?) so they could farm away all they wanted, and if they chose to do the story, they could make a new character?
Victory Gaint
Gaile Gray said that A.net proposes running to droks and other places just to let u know
Where and when did Gaile say that?
Victory Gaint
ummm my friend is in the guild in which she was in....and thers a post in here somewhere........
Personally, and I don't mean this as a flame, it is my opinion that a.net has done a bit TOO much to limit player creativity in playing the game. I know that most of the game is balanced specifically so that PVP will work better, however, there are many players, like myself, who simply don't enjoy PVP and like to enjoy PVE in their own way. The run to drok's opens up creative possibilities and it is an aspect of the game that I personally greatly appreciate.
So, let me reiterate, I don't like PVP. I don't like it because I am no good at it and I don't particularly enjoy losing every time I play. I am absolutely positive that this makes me the ideal flame-bait, however, I have an opinion just like anyone else with enough money to buy the game. So, if being no good at PVP means that you must disregard my comments, then please do.
So, let me reiterate, I don't like PVP. I don't like it because I am no good at it and I don't particularly enjoy losing every time I play. I am absolutely positive that this makes me the ideal flame-bait, however, I have an opinion just like anyone else with enough money to buy the game. So, if being no good at PVP means that you must disregard my comments, then please do.
No, getting run to ascension is not at all like being given a fully developed lvl 20 character. At a minimum, you still have to do many quests and missions to get the skills and points necessary to have a powerful character. No way around it. If people want to have 8 ascended half-built toons in nice armor that they don't know how to play, more power to them. It becomes evident very very quickly who has learned how to play a certain character and who has not.
Just be thankful that the toons actually have to be run to get droks armor. In other games it would be as simple as buying the armor and trading it to the new toon.
IMO, this game is a pvp centered game with a mildly interesting non-obtrusive pve wrapper and there has been a desperate need in the MMO community for such a game. GW fills the slot well and is pretty much a complete, well-balanced game unlike other more grind oriented/gear-intensive games like WoW. In GW, getting the best gear is and should be easy on purpose because this game is specifically not about the gear.
Just be thankful that the toons actually have to be run to get droks armor. In other games it would be as simple as buying the armor and trading it to the new toon.
IMO, this game is a pvp centered game with a mildly interesting non-obtrusive pve wrapper and there has been a desperate need in the MMO community for such a game. GW fills the slot well and is pretty much a complete, well-balanced game unlike other more grind oriented/gear-intensive games like WoW. In GW, getting the best gear is and should be easy on purpose because this game is specifically not about the gear.
Originally Posted by Inureface
Where and when did Gaile say that?
Kai Nui
I say make the droknor's crafter be divine and crap, and be willing to make armor for you only if you've ascended. That way it stops the people from cheating their way through, but you can still be ran to droknors.
To be honest armour doesn't really mean anything... You can easily overcome people with a better armour than you aslong as you actually have skill and know how to play your build competantly. GW isn't about whoever has the better items is the better player its about being better through ability.