I have seen a couple people mention this problem in the IDS thread as well as other threads (the enemy won't break aggro and is following me forever). What has happened is you tried to sprint away from an enemy while he was trying to cast a spell that targeted you. If you stop and let them get close enough to finally cast their spell, you can sprint away and they will leave you alone. Simple solution to a simple problem.
If the enemy won't break aggro and is following you forever...
words of advice from an experienced runner.
I had this happen a few times, they **** me off so bad that I stop and PAWN that ****ing avicara crap-pecker!!! XD
I usually turn around and kill it. It's more often a Guile, and then an Ardent will turn up to save it, but sadly it shares its doom
Had it happend to me except that the birds kept coming 1 by 1 after I killed one, so it was easy for me.
Sereng Amaranth
stupid chickens
Used to happen to me with Avicara Guiles when they used Deathly Swarm until I figured it out. It's a good thing to know.
Ellix Cantero
I cleared two full groups of avrica tonight with a gimpy ra/mo build set up to make life quicker and easier for wa/me sword farming. Running in circles spamming poison arrow ftw.
So funny when people miss the point completely. We know you can kill them. We know you can kill them with arrows. The post was about how to break aggro when running past an enemy when he seems to be following you forever...
So funny when people miss the point completely. We know you can kill them. We know you can kill them with arrows. The post was about how to break aggro when running past an enemy when he seems to be following you forever...
If you are running the IDS farming build that was posted, you can just slap on charge while sprinting to shake them off. I believe the way it works, is that if you start running after you have aggroed them, they will stop the chase; but if you are already in a sprint when you aggro them, they will stick to you, unless you run again.