Sorry, I have a newbie question, and I hope someone can answer my questions.
There's an Elite Skills list on the forum that shows the moster types and the locations of where those boss monsters are so you can use a SoC on it. Is the only way reach these boss monsters is through a mission/quest or can you get access to them whenever you exit a city (where the monsters reset) and look for them at those locations? If it's only mission/quest based and it's boss monster random, and if I don't find my type of monster boss is "restarting the mission" simply teleporting to a nearby city and starting the mission over, or do I have to "Abandon" the mission and look for the guy to start it all over? I don't want to miss any elite skills, so I'm just worried about it.
2nd question: Can you equip only one elite skill per profession or just one elite skill period?
Thanks in advance!
Elite Skill Question
Basically yeah. If you want to get the boss you're best bet is restarting the mission and doing it over and over until you find him. Be prepared to do this all day before the boss you actually need shows up though /=
Originally Posted by Kordesh
Basically yeah. If you want to get the boss you're best bet is restarting the mission and doing it over and over until you find him. Be prepared to do this all day before the boss you actually need shows up though /=
Sausaletus Rex
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