Alliance Recruitment

PvE: Sky Looking for more Guilds
PvX Knights of the Rose is Recruiting!
#1 Kurz Alliance
PvE: The Nocturnal Syndicate [sYn] Speed Clear Alliance
[GoDs] LF SC ally!
PvE: [QQ] Guild LF Alliance
PvE: [BGW] alliance LF 2 guilds with 1mil
PvE: Descent Of The Archangel[DoA] Luxon Alliance Looking For Guilds
PvX Closed, Alliance Found
PvE: Society Of Souls [Argh] looking for more Luxon Guilds!!!
PvE: Retired Bookah Syndicate [YaWn] has space for One
PvE: Is your Guild of Noble Honor? Then you should be here...
PvX Descendants of Honor - Forge Your Legacy!
PvX [EmpT] looking for ACTIVE GvG Alliance [Lux]
The Nocturnal Syndicate [sYn] Speed Clear Alliance
PvX Apostles of Anubis is looking for more Kurzick guilds to join the AoA alliance!
PvX [Rage] looking for Kurzick alliance
PvE: FDR Alliance looking for Active Kurzick Guilds.
PvE: Is your Guild Noble and Honorable? Bring it over here!
Methods In The Madness [MMAD] is recruiting!
PvE: Devil's Rejects [DR] looking for active PVE guilds (LUX)
PvE: Knights of the Rose Alliance (Lux)
PvE: Loyal Souls seek alliance
PvE: Dawn Of A Million Souls [BhLd] LF more Kurzick guilds!
PvX We're full!
PvX The Everlasting Sacred Path Alliance
PvX [Edol]Eternal Defense Of Life
PvE: SMF Kurz Alliance Looking For Experienced Sc Guilds
PvX [B][FrNd] Ally Looking for Members[/B]
[TBH] Looking for a Active Luxon Allaince
PvE: Order Of The Ghost Dragons, LF PvE Guilds To Join Our Ally!!
PvE: TCKL is looking for an ACTIVE SC ally!
PvX Boss Is The Name Fame Is The [GamE] Forming an Allience
PvX Descent Of The Archangel[DoA] Luxon Alliance Looking For Active/Helpful Guilds
PvX Descendants of Honor - Currently recruiting 1 Kurzick guild.
PvE: Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] looking to join a alliance
PvE: The Nocturnal Syndicate [sYn] Speed Clear Alliance
PvE: Retired Bookah Syndicate [YaWn]
PvE: [mist] Ally Leading Guild, LF Simular Guilds For Ally..
PvX [Kurzick] Active Title-Hunting Guild wanting to form an ally!