Alliance Recruitment

PvX Your Math Teacher [MATH] Looking For Alliance
PvX Knights of the Rose LF Allies [Lux]
PvE: The Nocturnal Syndicate [sYn] Speed Clear Alliance
Crap It Broke [BaBy]....need alliance!
PvX Ice Slayer Clan [ISC] Forming an Alliance - Last Refuge before GW2
Anonymous Ganking Squad [uMAD]
PvE: U Just Got Rolled By [nuBz] Alliance Looking to add HM and SC Guilds
LF Guilds to Join Ally
PvE: Myth And Legends [Myth] Looking for SC Alliance
PvE: The [ASIA] Alliance LF Luxon Guilds
PvE: Just A Little Bit 王アエと is looking for a SC~ ally
PvE: The High Chronicles x[THCx] Looking for Speed clear ally.
PvE: Six Years of Noble Alliance and We'll be there for GW2
PvE: [AoL] Alliance Seeking 1 Guild - Kurzick
PvE: CULT Alliance is Recruiting Family Friendly Guilds!
PvX Please close thread
PvX Knights of the Rose Recruiting!
PvX Shadows of Ravenloft Alliance
PvE: Fissure of Underanguish [Pre] seeking alliance!
PvE: Sweet Misty Fire [SMF] Alliance Has Openings
PvE: Silly Kidz Speed Clears are for [Proz] are recruiting active SC guilds!
PvX Six Years Strong - Noble Honor Alliance
PvE: The Nocturnal Syndicate [sYn] Speed Clear Alliance
PvE: [VsF] variable Speed Farmers Recruiting Active SC Guilds
Descent Of The Archangel[DoA] Luxon Faction Alliance Looking For Guilds
Variable Speed Farmers [VsF] Alliance looking for one more!
Cunning Urchins of New Tyria (CNUT)
PvE: [RAWR] is looking for a PvE/SC alliance
PvP: [QQ] is looking for an active alliance kurz or luxon
PvP: [NR] Looking For GvG Alliance/Guilds
We're full, thanks everyone!
PvE: Society Of Souls [Argh] looking for 3 Luxon Guilds!!!
PvE: CULT Alliance Recruiting Family Friendly Guilds!
PvE: Retired Bookah Syndicate [YaWn] looking for one more
PvX Zealots Of Shiverpeak[ZoS] Alliance Recruiting Active/Exp/Mature/Kurz Guilds
PvE: Six Years of Noble Honor - And we Continue to look for others of the Same...
PvP: BAAD LF GvG Alliance!
PvX The [ESP] Alliance Has An Opening For 1 Guild
PvE: SMF Alliance Looking For 1 Guild
PvX [KOPS]Knights of Protective Sources