
Feathered Long Bow req. 9 +15% -5 energy +30 HP 10/10 Sunder
Selling Perfect Mursaat Horn Bow :: Req 8 :: 15>50 :: Sundering 10/10 :: +30hp!!!!!!!
Rago's Flame Wand, Vokur's Staff & Bortak's Bone Claw
WTS Perf. sundering sword hilt
WTS: Perfect 10/10 +15 ^ 50 +30hp Gold Fellblade
WTS Drago's Flat Bow (Sundering) & The Willcrusher
GOLD FELLBLADE - 15%, 3/-1, could be yours!
Perfect Req 8 Chaosaxe+req 10 Fellblade+req 10 Storm+req 8 Eternal+req 9 Brute& More
9 gold shields VERY CHEAP
3 15>50 Sword with req. 10's low buy out
WTS gold spatha +15%(stance) Vamp3/-1 +27 req11
+5 HoD, +%20 Ench HoD Sword For Sale
Selling two gold weapons and one purple weapon...
Max Gold Storm Bow + 15% Damage ( req 9)
[2-Day:Auction] Furious10% Mursaat Hammer MaxDMG(req8) of Fortitude(30HP) DMG+13%>50
WTS Fellblade
WTS 3 Items - Perfect Vampiric Axe of Fortitude, GOLD Jeweled Chalice & Axe Haft
WTS all kinds of weapons, gold/green/purple etc
Storage Cleanout!! Reasonable prices for the rich and the less rich
WTS Deldrimor Steel Ingots
wts a lot of items (near perfect upgrades)
WTS: staff wrapping of fortitude +29
GOLD CHAOSAXE 14>50 req.8 3/-1 28 health
Very good golden Hammers/Shields/Bows/Axes/Swords
Sell> 8 PERFECT or Near Perfect and 12 other Good Upgrades.
max Wingblade +15% >50% +30 life 10/10 sundering
wts green: Malinon's Shield and gold Stormbow
Rare Max Damage (req 8's) 15>50 Bows and Swords
WTS-Gold LongBow Details Inside
WTS-Sword Pommel Of Shelter 7%(against physical)
STORMBOW req9 14% dmg enchanted, 4/-1, hp+30
WTS Greens: Handsmasher & Worth's Icon + upgrades and a few golds! 36 HOUR AUCTION!
WTS Gold Unident Strength req Shield
14 Over 50 Golden Hand Axe Max Dmg
------Perfect Upgraded Composite bow for 150k and Almost Perfect Half Moon-------
WTS Gold Max Storm Bow +15% In Stance
Perfect Vamp Hammer Haft 5/1 Cheap
WTS Many Gold Items. COME LOOK!
Golden Chaos Axe