
[wts] Sword +14% Always, Sword Pommel +30 Health & Other Items!
Gold short bow of fort +28.
Awsome Golds Felblade, Dragon Sword, Great Hammer
Gold and Purple Weapons for Auction
Flints Wand
14 > 50 Chaos Axe, 15 > 50 Bow, upgrades... take a look
Perfect fiery dragon sword
twang twang! bows for sale!
Composite Bow req 8 15%>50%
[Sell]Gold insightfull holy staff of enchanting+ Morgriffs staff ,flints artifact
req 8 fellblade
Selling Gold Axe, Staffs & Bows
Hp+29 sword Pommel
~~ Emir's Decent Items ~~
WTS max Weapons Upgrades and max Dam Weapons
Max Chaos axe + 14% always, awesome mods
Auction: gold max CHAOS axe 15>50 10/10sunder +30hp requ11 true auction!!
Gold Fellblade MAX DMG Req 8 15>50 10/10 +30HP
Purple Max Dmg Crystalline Sword only 8 req
WTS Un-ID Gold Chaos Axe
WTS Gold 14% Always Items Everything 5k or Less || All Gold
selling great storm bow and long sword
Green,Gold,Purple,Blue,White all good 20 items for sale
Wts 10/10 Sundering Sword Hilt
WTS Gold max 15>50 mursaat hammer 30 health 10/10 sundering
WTS - Insightful Ghostly Staff of Fortitude -
WTS Bow String 10:9 Sudering For only 15k.
Omfg A Super Duper Awesome Hammer For Sale
WTS> 4 StormBows
Nice Gold/Green/Purple items for sale
WTS: 15%/Enchanted Storm Bow, 15% Always Shadow Bow, +5 E>50% +9-10%recharge wands
WTS sword with -Perfect Furious Mod-
Green Perfect Mesmer Illusion Focus
Awsome Gold Auction .must See!
Few Mods
wts bow and sword ups
Max Gold Water Wand, Energy +14 Regen -1 (Req 8)
WTS Max Gold Longsword +15 Damage Above 50%*
FLints Wand/GOlden SHields/Eternal bow of fortitude
Brohns Holy Rod Auction