
SellingBrohns Holy Rod (dont have pics)
Perfect Gold Flamberge Of Enchanting +15%>50
2 Chaos Axes + 3 Nice Shields
GREENS, Gold Fell, Gold Summit Axe, Perfect Upgrades, etc.
Selling some ID and UNID gold items...and some other stuff
Selling Many Bows + Flamberg
3 day auction - swords, bows, staves, upgrades
Selling Denravi Sword with 15% longer enchantments
15>50 Hammer//14% always -5 nrg wingblade//15>50 bows// misc gold offhands and more
WTS Gold Brute Sword 15^50
Selling 3 Henge Of Denravi Swords!
WTS: Sundering Axe Haft +10%(9% chance)!!
Wts: Req .8 Firey Fellblade
WTS: Perfect Axe Grip of Dwarfslaying Perfect +20%
Wts: Req.8 Chaos Axe with good mods
Wts Max Shadow bow 15always -10ar while attackin + more
Wts Gold Max Dmg Serpent Axe
WTS gold Furious 10/10 +14% above 50% hammer
WTS: Brohn's Holy Rod + Stonehart ^-^
Gold Max Dmg Chaos Axe
WTS Golds Items
Auction GOLD max damage items
WTS Perfect Gold Storm Bow Req8 +15% Vampiric 5/-1 Hp+30
▲▼▲WTS UNID RARES (incl swords and shields) and GREENS - 42 items ▲▼▲
Total perfect Summit Axe 15>50 reg 8
WTS Drago's Flat Bow
Wts:defender 11req 27hp Always 2 Stance
Max Sparta of Enchating +15% while health is above 50!!!
15>50 Storm Bow..Prefect Shields and much much more..
WTS - 9 Green Items
WTS -50 health focus
gold towershield
Perfect And Near Perfect Axes Bows Staves and Wand !
wts bludgenor
Wts Energy +5 While Ehchanted Truncheon
Gold Auction! Gold Chaos Axe,eternal Shield & Bow + Agies All Have Very Nice Bonus's
Max Gold Longsword 15% While Enchant +5 Armor
3 day auction, 11 gold/ purple weapons